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Technology for clean water supply in Cambodia

作者: 来源: 时间:2015-11-24

Description of Technology Demand
Technology Name: Technology for clean water supply in Cambodia
Technology Categories: Technology
Technical information Nearly 40% of rural Cambodians still have no access to safe drinking water. Untreated water and poor sanitation result in about 10 million cases of diarrhea and 10,000 deaths per year in Cambodia, mainly affecting children in rural areas.
Functions and Use: To provide clean water technologies for as many people as possible.
Area: rural area or countryside in Cambodia
Similar technology in domestic: There are similar technology in domestic
Description of external environment
The adaptation of nature condition: easy to adapt to the natural conditions
Public facilities: Public facilities are very perfect
Supporting production: supporting production is very perfect
Capital source channels: the government and other organizations provide
Technical personnel: Technical personnel are very rich
Policy environment: The government’s policy to support the introduction of technology
Supports for technical introduction
Expected support from which aspects: funds, Including the support from technology transfer country
Expected mode of technology transfer: technology transfer, joint research
Expected benefits
The aim is to enable as many as possible of the people in rural area that are at
Can access to safe water.
Technology demander

Organization:Department of Meteorology

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Address:Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology, Cambodia