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Private vehicle for travelling during flood

作者: 来源: 时间:2015-11-24

Description of Technology Demand
Technology Name: Private vehicle for travelling during flood
Technology Categories: Technology, Equipment
Technical information Most residential areas, especially in big cities in Thailand, comprise small alleys. Commuting from home that is deep in the alley to catch public transport provided during floods causes some hardship and posts threats to commuters in various forms, such as damages to belongings from floodwaters, wounds inflicted by sharp objects, attacks from underwater animals and fatal electrocution. In addition, citizens in big cities normally do not own boats for private use because there is no need to use it in daily life. During floods, this becomes a problem as the people lack suitable vehicles for short-distance journey by water and they do not have proper skills to man the boats.
Functions and Use A public boat system for a short-distance journey would help flood victims avoid dangers and threats posed by floods. The system includes: (1)A private vehicle for one personto travel by water in short-distance (approximately 200 m to 1.5 km) with easy-to-use control system that does not require much strength to operate, allowing those who are not boat experts or athletic rowers to use it. Characteristics include:
• able to travel safely and efficiently in waters that are 30 cm to 1m deep.
• able to protect any belongings inside from coming into contact with floodwaters.
• light, durable and easy to store as well as to use.
• May be equipped with 1) a mechanism that makes the vehicle collapsible so that it takes up only little space when in store in a private storage or stacked
together in a public place; 2) a technique that inflates the vehicle when in use and deflates it for keeping.
(2)Oarsthat facilitate steering of the vehicle. Characteristics include:
• easy to store and able to detect electricity in the waters and warn users.
• can be used single or in a pair according to a user's preference.
• comes with a design that prevents losses if they are public assets.
(3)Storage stationin case the boat is a shared asset or there is a schedule for boat rides at different times of day. Characteristics include:
• located at the entrance of a flooded community so that citizens can park the boats as they catch other transport.
• comes with a system that prevents losses or thefts.
• equipped with an automatic pump (in case the boats are inflatable) for public use.
Area: Thailand
Similar technology in domestic: There are similar technology in domestic
Description of external environment
The adaptation of nature condition: easy to adapt to the natural conditions
Public facilities: Public facilities are very good
Supporting production: supporting production is very good
Capital source channels: The government together with the private sector
Technical personnel: Technical personnel are very rich
Policy environment: There is no such policy
Supports for technical introduction
Expected support from which aspects: -
Expected mode of technology transfer: technical demonstration or complete sets of equipment import
Expected benefits
Easy to use for flood victims in urban areas who need to travel through flooded areas, such as working people and students.
Technology demander
Organization: TCDC Bangkok
Contact: K. Waritthi
Tel: (66) 2 664 8448
Email: designforflood@tcdc.or.th
Address: 6thFl. The Emporium Shopping Complex 622 Sukhumvit 24, Bangkok Thailand 10110