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空间生物与医学工程研究所教师简介 —— 邓玉林 教授 / 博士生导师

来源: 编辑: 审核: 发布日期:2017-06-02

1、姓名:邓玉林 学位:博士 职称:二级教授


地址:bob手机在线登陆 生命学院






(1) 教育经历

1994-1997 日本国立名古屋工业大学生物科学系, 博士学位神, 经生物学专业

1983-1986 bob手机在线登陆化工系, 硕士学位, 应用化学专业

1979-1983 北京工业学院化工系, 学士学位, 化学工程专业

(2) 科研、教学经历

2016至今 bob手机在线登陆生命学院 空间生物与医学工程研究所所长,二级教授

2002-2016 bob手机在线登陆生命学院 二级教授,博士生导师,院长

2000-2002 加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学医学院 Senior Research Scientist

1999-2000 加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学医学院 Professional Research Associate

1997-1999 加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学医学院 Postdoctoral fellow

1993-1994 日本国立名古屋工业大学 Research fellow

1992-1993 bob手机在线登陆化工与材料学院 副教授

1988-1992 bob手机在线登陆化工与材料学院 讲师

1986-1988 bob手机在线登陆化工与材料学院 助教




































《Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering》副主编

《Journal of Chromatography B》、《科技导报》、《色谱》、《航天医学与医学工程》、《分析实验室》、《世界医疗器械》的编委















一直致力于将生命科学与分析检测技术相结合,发展新的生物技术,并以此为手段解决生命科学和空间生物实验技术的难题,取得了一些重要成果:① 研制了“微流控芯片基因扩增装置”由“神舟八号”飞船成功搭载,实现了9种基因的扩增以及重要参数指标的在轨在线检测。返回地面后进一步研究发现了一些重要生物学新现象。这是我国第一次成功地利用微流控芯片在空间完整开展了生命科学实验,也使得中国成为世界上第三个将微流控芯片技术应用于航天生物医学领域的国家。② 承担了国家重大科学仪器专项“空间多指标生物分析仪器开发与应用”,将为我国空间生命科学研究提供重要的载荷技术基础。作为该项目的重要应用,在2016年6月长征七号首飞随多用途返回舱缩比飞船搭载了“微生物细胞搭载实验装置”。③ 货运飞船是载人空间站工程的重要组成部分。团队研制的“”微流控芯片细胞共培养和分析”成为我国第一艘货运飞船的科学载荷,在空间开展神经免疫相互作用研究。于2017年4月随天舟一号货运飞船升空。④ 基于神舟8号搭载的实验成果,团队积极寻求在国际空间站开展后续实验的机会。2015年成功获得美国NASA批准,并与美国NanoRacks公司签订合作协议,将于2017年6月将把一项有关DNA微进化研究的微型科学实验装置送上国际空间站,这一“生命科学实验装置”将成为登录“国际空间站”的第一个中国科学实验项目,而此次合作也将开启美国与中国在太空领域合作的新阶段。国内外媒体对此做了大量报道,形成很大的国际影响。⑤ 承担国家自然科学基金重点项目,对空间重离子辐射中枢神经损伤及神经免疫相互作用机制开展研究,在此基础上开发“龙抗一号”抗辐射药物,目前已经完成临床前研究。发表研究论文 400 多篇,其中 SCI 论文 280 多篇,申请发明专利四十余项。

(1) 近几年承担科研项目

1. 国家自然科学基金——重离子作用下神经免疫系统辐射损伤及相互作用分子机制研究(U1532264),238万元,项目负责人:邓玉林,(2016.1-2019.12)

2. 国家重大科学仪器专项——空间多指标生物分析仪器的开发与应用(2012YQ040140),总经费5444万元,项目负责人:邓玉林,(2012.10-2017.09)

3. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目——空间细胞电转移与分析仪器关键技术研究(2009BAK59B01),总经费816万元,项目负责人:邓玉林,课题负责人:李勤 (2010.4-2012.12)

4. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目——空间芯片分析系统及其关键技术(2009BAK59B02),总经费513万元,项目负责人:邓玉林,课题负责人:戴荣继 (2010.4-2012.12)

5. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目——空间生物质谱及关键技术研究与开发(2009BAK59B03),总经费473万元,项目负责人:邓玉林,课题负责人:方向 (2010.4-2012.12)

6. 国家“863”重大专项——深空探测与空间xxx技术,课题:空间生物舱xxx关键技术(2008AA12A218),总经费2300万元,课题负责人:邓玉林 (2008.1-2010.12)

7. 民用航天项目:航天生物微分析技术XXX建立(D2220062902),总经费400万元,课题负责人:邓玉林。(2007.1-2010.12)

8. 国防基础研究项目:军用车船舱XXX(室气体环境的)人体工效学研究(A2220060042),经费120万元,课题负责人:邓玉林。(2008.1-2012.12)

9. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划重大项目——生物安全量值溯源传递关键技术研究,课题:转基因植物蛋白质量值溯源传递关键技术研究(2008BAK03A02),经费726万元,课题负责人:邓玉林。(2008.1-2012.12)

10. 北京市科技项目:微流控芯片基因扩增与检测技术及仪器的研制(Z111102055311077),经费50万元,课题负责人:邓玉林。(2011.1-2012.12)

11. 安徽丰原集团,课题:抗辐射药物龙抗一号临床前开发研究(2011110032001577),经费1300/130万元(实到),课题负责人:邓玉林。(2010.7-2012.7)

12. 安徽丰原集团,课题:傣药新药保肝一号临床前开发研究(2011110032001578),经费1000/110万元(实到),课题负责人:邓玉林。(2010.7-2012.7)

13. 生物医药成分分离与分析北京市重点实验室2011年阶梯技术项目--科技研发机构创新能力提升,(Z111102055311077),经费50万元,课题负责人:邓玉林。(2011.1-2013.12)

(2) 近几年代表论文

1. Ke, M; Zhang, YQ; Xiong, Y; Saeed, Y; Deng, YL*. Identification of protein complexes of microsomes in rat adipocytes by native gel coupled with LC-ESI-QTOF. Moleculer Biosystems, Apr, 2016, 12(4): 1313-1323. doi: 10.1039/c5mb00707k. (IF: 2.829)

2. Wang, Y; Javed, I; Liu, YH; Lu, S; Peng, G; Zhang, YQ; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Effect of Prolonged Simulated Microgravity on Metabolic Proteins in Rat Hippocampus: Steps Toward Safe Space Travel. Journal of Proteome Research, Jan, 2016, 15(1): 29-37. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00777 (IF: 4.25)

3. Zhao, T; Wang, HL; Ma, H; Wang, H; Chen, B; Deng, YL*. Starvation after Cobalt-60 γ-Ray radiation enhance Metastasis in U251 Glioma Cells by regulating the transcription factor SP1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Apr, 2016, 17(4). (Accepted) (IF: 4.173)

4. Li, YJ*; Li, GQ; Li, YZ; Deng, YL; Deng, L. Development and application of an UHPLC-MS method for comparative pharmacokinetic study of phenolic components from dragon's blood in rats under simulated microgravity environment. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Mar, 2016, 121: 91-98. (IF: 3.169)

5. Ke, M; Wu, HY; Zhu, ZY; Zhang, C; Zhang, YQ*; Deng, YL. Differential proteomic analysis of white adipose tissues from T2D KKAy mice by LC-ESI-QTOF. Proteomics, Dec, 2016,1600219. DOI 10.1002/pmic.201600219 (IF: 3.807)

6. Zhao, T; Tan, X; Umeshappa, CS; Ma, H; Gao, HJ; Deng, YL; Freywald, A; Xiang, J*. Simulated Microgravity Promotes Cell Apoptosis Through Suppressing Uev1A/TICAM/TRAF/NF-kappa B-Regulated Anti-Apoptosis and p53/PCNA- and ATM/ATR-Chk1/2-Controlled DNA-Damage Response Pathways. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, Sep, 2016, 117(9): 2138-2148.(IF: 3.446)

7. Zhao, J; Deng, YL; Jiang, ZT; Qing H*. G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) in Alzheimer's Disease: A Focus on BACE1 Related GPCRs. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. Mar, 2016, 8: 58. Doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00058. (IF: 4)

8. Li, NM, Liu, KF; Qiu, YJ; Ren, ZH; Dai, RJ; Deng, YL; Qing, H*. Effect of Presenilin Mutations on APP Cleavage; Insights into the Pathogenesis of FAD. Front Aging Neuroscience, Mar, 2016, 8: 51-61. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00051 (IF: 4.348)

9. Liu, YH; Liu, KF; Qin, W; Liu, CH; Zheng, XW; Deng, YL; Qing, H*. Effects of stem cell therapy on protein profile of parkinsonian rats using an (18) O-labeling quantitative proteomic approach. Proteomics, Mar, 2016, 16(6): 1023-1032. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201500421. (IF: 3.807)

10. Wang, Xh; Du, JX; Wang, DM; Zeng, F; Wei, YK; Wang, FL; Feng, CC; Li, NM; Dai, RJ; Deng, YL; Quan, ZZ*; Qing, H*. Effects of simulated microgravity on human brain nervous tissue. Neuroscience Letters, Aug, 2016, 627: 199-204. (IF: 2.107)

11. Shi, Y; Huang, ZB; Liu, XJ; Imran, S; Peng, LC; Dai, RJ; Deng, YL. Environmental materials for remediation of soils contaminated with lead and cadmium using maize (Zea mays L.) growth as a bioindicator. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, Apr, 2016, 23(7): 6168-6178. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5778-7 (IF: 2.828)

12. Lei, RH; Zhao, T; Li, Q; Wang, X; Ma, H*; Deng, YL*. Carbon Ion Irradiated Neural Injury Induced the Peripheral Immune Effects in Vitro or in Vivo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2015, 16(12): 28334-28346. doi: 10.3390/ijms161226109 (IF: 2.862)

13. Lu, JQ;Sun, FY;Ma, H;Qing, H;Deng, YL*. Comparison between α-synuclein wild-type and A53T mutation in a progressive Parkinson’s disease model. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications, 2015, 464(4): 988-993. DOI:10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.07.007 (IF:2.297)

14. Xu, Y; Deng, YL; Qing, H. The phosphorylation of α-synuclein: development and implication for the mechanism and therapy of the Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2015, 135(1): 4-18. Doi: 10.111/jnc.13234 (IF: 3.842)

15. Liang, YL; Geng, FF; Dai, RJ; Deng, YL*. Enrichment of adenosine using thermally responsive chromatographic materials under friendly pH conditions. Journal of Separation Science, Nov, 2015, 38(23): 4036-4042. DOI: 10.1002/jssc.201500780 (IF: 2.74)

16. Wang, Y; Javed, I; Liu, YH; Su, R; Lu, S; Peng, G; Zhang, YQ; Qing H; Deng, YL*. Effects of simulated microgravity on the expression of presynaptic proteins distorting the GABA/glutamate equilibrium - a proteomics approach. Proteomics, Nov, 2015, 15(22): 3883-3891. DOI: 10.1002/pmic.201500302 (IF: 3.81)

17. Lin, FM; Yu, SY; Gu, L; Zhu, XT; Wang, JS; Zhu, H; Lu, Y; Wang, YH; Deng, YL; Geng, LN*. In situ photo-immobilised pH gradient isoelectric focusing and zone electrophoresis integrated two-dimensional microfluidic chip electrophoresis for protein separation. Microchimica Acta, Jul, 2015, 182(13-14): 2321-2328. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-015-1574-9 (IF: 3.74)

18. Yasmeen, S; Rehman, A; Xie, BJ; Xu, J; Ma, H; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Astroglial U87 cells protect neuronal SH-SY5Y cells from indirect effect of radiation by reducing DNA damage and inhibiting Fas mediated apoptotic pathway in coculture system. Neurochemical Research, Jul, 2015, 40(8): 1644-1654. DOI: 10.1007/s11064-015-1642-x (IF: 2.593)

19. Bai, HH; Fan, C; Zhang, WJ; Pan, YT; Ma, L; Ying, WT; Wang, JH; Deng, YL; Qian, XH; Qin, WJ. A pH-responsive soluble polymer-based homogeneous system for fast and highly efficient N-glycoprotein/glycopeptide enrichment and identification by mass spectrometry. Chemical Science, May, 2015; 6(7): 4234-4241. DOI:10.1039/C5SC00396B (IF: 9.21)

20. Zhang, M*; Xu, W; Ke, M; Xu, JG; Deng, YL. Evaluation of Individual Aging Degree by Standard-Free, Label-Free LC-MS/MS Quantification of Formaldehyde-modified Peptides. The Analyst, Apr, 2015, 140(12): 4137-4142. DOI:10.1039/C5AN00355E (IF: 4.11)

21. Deng, L; Li, YZ; Zhang, XS; Chen, B; Deng, YL; Li, YJ*. UPLC–MS method for quantification of pterostilbene and its application to comparative study of bioavailability and tissue distribution in normal and Lewis lung carcinoma bearing mice. Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis, May, 2015, 114: 200-207. DOI:10.1016/j.jpba.2015.04.045 (IF: 2.98)

22. Wang, FL; Ni, JJ; Wang, XH; Xie, BJ; Feng, CC; Zhao, SB; Saeed, Y; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Salsolinol Damaged Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells Induce Proliferation of Human Monocyte THP-1 Cells Through the mTOR Pathway in a Co-culture System. Neurochemical Research, Mar, 2015, 40(5): 932-941. DOI:10.1007/s11064-015-1547-8 (IF: 2.59)

23. Xu, JD; Lv, XF; Wei, YP; Zhang, L; Li, R; Deng, YL*; Xu, X*. Air bubble resistant and disposable microPCR chip with a portable and programmable device for forensic test. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Feb, 2015, 212: 472-480. (IF: 3.84)

24. Yasmeen, Saeed; Xie, BJ; Xu, J; Rehman, Abdur; Ma, H; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Glial U87 cells protect neuronal SH-SY5Y cells from indirect effect of radiation by reducing oxidative stress and apoptosis. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, Feb, 2015, 47(4): 250-257. DOI: 10.1093/abbs/gmv004(IF: 2.19)

25. Xie, BJ; Lin, FK; Ullah, Kaleem; Peng, L; Ding, W; Dai, RJ; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. A Newly Discovered Neurotoxin ADTIQ associated with Hyperglycemia and Parkinson's disease. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Mar, 2015, 459(3): 361-366. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.02.069 (IF: 2.281)

26. Man, Y; Lv, XF*; Javed Iqbal; Peng, G; Song, D; Zhang, CX; Deng, YL*. Microchip based and immunochromatographic strip assays for the visual detection of interleukin-6 and of tumor necrosis factor α using gold nanoparticles as labels. Journal Microchimica Acta, Feb, 2015, 182(3-4): 597-604. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-014-1362-y (IF: 3.74)

27. Dang, H; Hasan, M; Meng, WW; Zhao, HW; Iqbal, J; Dai, RJ; Deng, YL; Lv, F. Luteolin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles synthesis, characterization, & improvement of bioavailability, pharmacokinetics in vitro and vivo studies. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Mar, 2014, 16(4): 2347. (IF: 2.278)

28. Liu, ZJ; Su, R; Liang, X; Liang, YL; Deng, YL*; Li, YJ; Dai, RJ*. A thermally switchable chromatographic material for selective capture and rapid release of proteins and nucleotides. Royal Society Chemistry Advances, Mar, 2014, 4(31): 15830-15834. (IF: 3.708)

29. Wang, YZ; Zhang, XH; Feng, Y; Shao, RT; Xiong, XC; Fang, X; Deng, YL; Xu, W. Characterization of geometry deviation effects on ion trap mass analysis: A comparison study. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2014, 370: 125-131. (IF: 2.227)

30. Wang, YZ; Zhang, XH; Zhai, YB; Jiang, Y; Fang, X; Zhou, MF; Deng, YL; Xu, W. Mass Selective Ion Transfer and Accumulation in Ion Trap Arrays. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86(20): 10164−10170. (IF: 5.825)

31. Jia, QT; Deng, YL; Qing, H. Potential Therapeutic Strategies for Alzheimer's Disease Targeting or Beyond β -Amyloid: Insights from Clinical Trials. Biomed Research International, 2014: 837157. doi: 10.1155/2014/837157. (IF: 2.706)

32. Man, Y; Peng, G; Wang, JS; Lv, XF*; Deng, YL. Microfluidic chip with thermoresponsive boronate affinity for the capture–release of cis-diol biomolecules. Journal of Separation Science, Jul, 2014, 38(2): 339-345. DOI 10.1002/jssc.201400725 (IF: 2.594)

33. Lin, FM; Zhao, XC; Wang, JS; Yu, SY; Lv, XF; Deng, YL; Geng, LN*; Li, HJ*. A novel microfluidic chip electrophoresis strategy for simultaneous, label-free, multi-protein detection based on a graphene energy transfer biosensor. Analyst, 2014, 139(11): 2890-2895. (IF: 3.906)

34. Xia, L; Lin, FM; Wu, X; Wang, JS; Liu, CL; Tang, Q; Yu, SY; Huang, KJ; Lv, XF; Deng, YL; Geng, LN*. On-chip protein isoelectric focusing using a photo-immobilized pH gradient. Journal of Separation Science. Nov, 2014, 37(21). DOI:10.1002/jssc.201400795 (IF: 2.74)

35. Wang, YZ; Zhang, XH; Feng, Y; Shao, RT; Xiong, XC; Fang, X; Deng, YL; Xu, W*. Characterization of Geometry Deviation Effects on Ion Trap Mass Analysis: a Comparison Study. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Sep, 2014, 370: 125-131. (IF: 2.227)

36. Ran, YY; Wang, R; Hasan, M; Jia, QT; Tang, B; Shan, S; Deng, YL; Qing, H*. Radioprotective effects of dragon׳ s blood and its extracts on radiation-induced myelosuppressive mice. Journal of ethnopharmacology, Jul, 2014, 154(3): 624-634. (IF: 2.939)

37. Xie, BJ; Lin, FK; Peng, L; Ullah, K; Wu, HY; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Methylglyoxal increases dopamine level and leads to oxidative stress in SH-SY5Y cells. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin, Nov, 2014, 46(11): 950-956. (IF: 2.089)

38. Yasmeen Saeed; Xie, BJ; Xu, J; Wang, HL, Murtaza, Hassan; Wang, R; Ma, H; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Indirect effects of radiation induce apoptosis and neuroinflammation in neuronal SH-SY5Y cells. Neurochemical Research, Aug, 2014, 39(12): 2334-2342. 10.1007/s11064-014-1432-x (IF: 2.551)

39. Wang, FL; Awan, UF; Wang, YY; Wang, LN; Qing, H; Ma, H*; Deng, YL*. Damage of Neuroblastoma Cell SH-SY5Y Mediated by MPP+ Inhibits Proliferation of T-cell leukemia Jurkat by Co-culture System. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. May, 2014, 15(6): 10738-10750. doi:10.3390/ijms150610738 (IF: 2.339)

40. Xiong, Y; Zhang, YQ; Iqbal, J; Ke, M; Wang, Y; Li, YJ; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Differential expression of synaptic proteins in unilateral 6-OHDA lesioned rat model—a Comparative proteomics approach. Proteomics, Aug, 2014, 14(15): 1808-1819. DOI 10.1002/pmic.201400069. (IF: 4.132)

41. Liu, YH; Qing, H; Deng YL*. Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease Analysis by Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. May, 2014, 15(5), 7865-7882 (IF: 2.339)

42. M. Umer Farooq Awan, Deng YL*. Role of autophagy and its significance in cellular homeostasis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Apr, 2014, 98(12): 5319-5328. DOI 10.1007/s00253-014-5721-8 (IF: 3.689)

43. Javed, Iqbal; Wang, L; Murtaza, H; Liu, KF; Umer, A; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Differential Expression of Specific Cellular Defense Proteins in Rat Hypothalamus under Simulated Microgravity Induced Conditions: Comparative Proteomics. Proteomics, 2014, 14(11): 1424-1433. DOI 10.1002/pmic.201400019 (IF: 4.132)

44. Li, YJ*; Gan, L; Li, GQ; Deng, L; Zhang, XS; Deng, YL. Pharmacokinetics of plantamajoside and acteoside from Plantago asiatica in rats by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Feb, 2014, 89: 251-256. (IF: 2.947)

45. Javed Iqbal; Wang, L; Murtaza Hasan; Kaleem Ullah; Li, YJ; Umer Awan; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Distortion of homeostatic Signaling Proteins by Simulated Microgravity in Rat Hypothalamus -16O/18O Labeled Comparative Integrated Proteomic Approach. Proteomics. Feb, 2014, 14(2-3): 262-273. (IF: 4.132)

46. Ma, H*; Zhang, YJ; Wang, HL; Han, CH; Lei, RH; Lei Zhang, Zuye Yang, Ling Rao, Hong Qing, Jim Xiang, Deng, YL*. Effect and Mechanism of Mitomycin C Combined with Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus Type II against Glioma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Jan, 2014, 15(1): 1-14. (IF: 2.464)

47. Gao A, Peng Y, Deng YL, Qing H*. Potential therapeutic applications of differentiated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroscience, Jan, 2013, 3(228): 47 -59. (IF: 3.122)

48. Lu, HY; Liu, XZ; Deng, YL; Qing, H*. DNA methylation, a hand behind neurodegenerative disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, Dec, 2013, 5: 1-16. (IF: 5.224)

49. Wang, YZ; Huang, ZJ; Jiang ,Y; Xiong, XC; Deng, YL; Fang, X; Xu, W*. The coupling effects of hexapole and octopole fields in quadrupole ion traps: a theoretical study. Jounal of mass spectrometry, Aug, 2013, 48(8): 937-944 (IF: 3.2)

50. Ma, H*; Rao, L; Wang, HL; Mao, ZW; Lei, RH; Yang, ZY; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Transcriptome Analysis of Glioma Cells for the Dynamic Response to γ-Irradiation and Dual Regulation of Apoptosis Genes: a New Insight into Radiotherapy for Glioblastomas. Cell Death Disease, Oct, 2013, 4: e895. (IF: 6.044)

51. Xin, N; Yang, FJ; Li, Y; Li, YJ; Dai, RJ; Meng, WW; Chen, Y; Deng, YL*. Dragon’s blood dropping pills have protective effects on focal cerebral ischemia rats model. Phytomedicine. Nov, 2013, 21(1): 68-74. (IF: 2.972)

52. Xiao, P; Lv, XF; Wang, SS; Javed Iqbal; Qing, H; Li, Q; Deng, YL*. An aptamer-based trypsin reactor for on-line protein digestion with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Biochemistry. Oct, 2013, 441(2): 123-132. (IF: 2.996)

53. Zhang, M; Xu, W; Deng, YL*. A New Strategy for Early Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes by Standard-Free, Label-Free LC-MS/MS Quantification of Glycated Peptides. Diabetes. Jul, 2013, 62(11): 3936-3942. (IF: 8.286)

54. Iqbal, J; Wang, L; Ullah, K; Hasan, M; Guo, LN; Awan, U; Zhang, YQ; Batool, S; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Study of rat hypothalamic proteome by HPLC/ESI-Ion trap and HPLC/ESI-Q-TOF MS. Proteomics. Aug, 2013, 13(16): 2455-2468. (IF: 4.505)

55. Zhang, YY; Ma, H; Xie, BJ; Han, C; Wang, C; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Alpha-Synuclein Overexpression Induced Mitochondrial Damage by the Generation of Endogenous Neurotoxins in PC12 Cells. Neuroscience Letters. May, 2013, 547: 65-69. (IF: 2.105)

56. Kaleem Ullah; Xie, BJ; Javed Iqbal; Aamir Rasool; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Arterial Vascular Cell line expressing SSAO: a new tool to study the pathophysiology of vascular amine oxidases. Journal of Neural Transmission. Mar, 2013, 120(6): 1005-1013. (IF: 2.73)

57. Su, Y; Duan, JY; Ying, ZX; Hou, Y; Zhang, YY; Wang, R; Deng, YL*. Increased vulnerability of parkin knock down PC12 cells to hydrogen peroxide toxicity: the role of salsolinol and NM-salsolinol. Neuroscience (0306-4522), Mar, 2013, 233: 72-85. (IF: 3.38)

58. Zhang, YQ; Wang, HB; Lai, CJ; Wang, L; Deng, YL*. Comparative proteomic analysis of human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells under simulated microgravity. Astrobiology, Feb, 2013, 13(2): 143-150. (IF: 2.15)

59. Mao, J; Ma, H; Xu, Y; Su, Y; Zhu, HY; Wang, R; Lin, FK; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. Increased levels of monoamine-derived potential neurotoxins in fetal rat brain exposed to ethanol. Neurochemical research, Mar, 2013, 38(2): 356-363. (IF: 2.24)

60. Wang, R; Ying, ZX; Zhao, J; Zhang, YY; Wang, R; Lu, H; Deng, YL; Song, WH*; Qing, H. Lys(203) and Lys(382) are Essential for the Proteasomal Degradation of BACE1. Current Alzheimer Research, Jun, 2012, 9(5): 606-615. (IF: 3.796)

61. Deng, YL*; Zhang, YQ; Li, YJ; Xiao, SY; Song, DW; Qing, H; Li, Q; Rajput, AH. Occurrence and distribution of salsolinol-like compound, 1-acetyl-6,7-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (ADTIQ), in Parkinsonian brains. Journal of Neural Transmission, Mar, 2012. 119(4): 435-441 (IF: 2.73)

62. Zhang, YQ; Lai, CJ; Su, R; Zhang, M; Xiong, Y; Qing, H; Deng YL*. Quantification of Cry1Ab in genetically modified maize leaves by liquid chromatography multiple reaction monitoring tandem mass spectrometry using 18O stable isotope dilution. Analyst, Jun, 2012, 137(11): 2699-2705. (IF: 4.23)

63. Xin, N; Li, YJ; Li, X; Wang, X; Li, Y; Zhang, X; Dai, RJ; Meng, WW; Wang, HL; Ma, H; Schlappi, M; Deng, YL*; Dragon's blood may have radioprotective effects in radiation-induced rat brain injury. Radiation Research, 2012, 178: 75-78. (IF: 2.684)

64. Liu, ZJ; Ullah, K; Su, LP; Lv, F; Deng, YL*; Dai, RJ*; Li, YJ; Zhang, YK. Switchable boronate affinity materials for thermally-modulated capture, separation and enrichment of cis-diol biomolecules. Journal of materials chemistry, 2012, 22, 18753-18756. (IF: 6.101)

65. Liu, ZJ; Liang, YL; Geng, FF; Ge, C; Ullah, K; Lv, F; Dai, RJ; Zhang, YK, Deng YL*. Separation of peptides with an aqueous mobile phase by temperature-responsive chromatographic column. Journal of Separation Science, 2012, 35, 2069-2074. (IF: 2.733)

66. Che, BQ; Wang, L; Zhang, Z; Zhang, YQ; Deng YL*. Distribution and accumulation of caffeine in rat tissues and its inhibition on semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase. NeuroToxicology, 2012, 33, 1248-1253. (IF: 3.096)

67. Ding, W; Li, MZ; Dai, RJ; Deng YL*. Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of the chiral tetrahydroisoquinoline (R)-salsolinol. Tetrahedron-Asymmetry, Oct, 2012, (18-19): 1376-1379. (IF: 2.652)

68. Ding, H; Li, XQ; Lv, XF; Xu, JD; Sun, X; Zhang, ZM; Wang, HL; Deng, YL*. Fabrication of micro free-flow electrophoresis chip by photocurable monomer binding microfabrication technique for continuous separation of proteins and their numerical simulation. Analyst, Oct, 2012, 137: 4482-4489. doi: 10.1039/c2an35535c (IF: 4.23)

69. Ji YY; Deng, YL*. In vitro evaluation of Konjac glucomannan as novel excipients for floating systems. Journal of Controlled Release, 2011, 152(S1):e34-36. (IF: 7.16 )

70. Ying, ZX; Lin, FK; Gu, WH; Su, Y; Arshad, A; Qing, H; Deng, YL*. α-Synuclein increases U251 cells vulnerability to hydrogen peroxide by disrupting calcium homeostasis. Journal of Neural Transmission, Aug, 2011, 118(8): 1165-1172 (IF: 2.73)

71. Wu, X; Tang, Q; Liu, CL; Li, Q; Guo, YY; Yang, YL; Lv, XF; Geng, LN; Deng, YL*. Protein photoimmobilizations on the surface of quartz glass simply mediated by benzophenone. Applied Surface Science, Jun, 2011, 257(17): 7415-7421. (IF: 2.103)

72. Xin, N; Li, YJ; Li, Y; Dai, RJ; Meng, WW; Chen, Y; Schlappi, M; Deng, YL*. Dragon's Blood extract has antithrombotic properties, affecting platelet aggregation functions and anticoagulation activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, May, 2011, 135(2): 510-514. (IF: 3.014)

73. Zhang, YQ; Lai, CJ; Duan, JY; Guan, NX; Ullah, K; Deng, YL*. Simulated microgravity affects semicarbazide-sensitive amine oxidase expression in recombinant Escherichia coli by HPLC-ESI-QQQ analysis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, May, 2012, 94(3): 809-816. (IF: 3.425)

74. Zhang, YS; Li, YZ; Chen, B; Deng, YL; Li, YJ*. Simultaneous quantification of loureirin A and loureirin B in rat urine, feces, and bile by HPLC-MS/MS method and its application to excretion study. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, May, 2011, 400(4): 1181-1187 (IF: 3.778)

75. Zhang, YQ; Wang, L; Mu, XL; Duan, JY; Zhu, Y; Qing, H; Li, YJ; Xiao, SY; Deng, YL*. Assessment of salsolinol N-methyltransferase activity in rat peripheral lymphocytes by liquid chromatography-electrospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Apr, 2011, 399(10): 3541-3545. (IF: 3.778)

76. Fu, HQ; Li, JM; Meng, WW; Dong, RN; Dai, RJ; Deng, YL*. Study of binding constant of toll-like receptor 4 and lipopolysaccharide using capillary zone electrophoresis. Electrophoresis, Mar, 2011, 32(6-7): 749-751. (IF: 3.569)

77. Wu, CM; Li, Y; Chen, Y; Lao, XY; Sheng, LH; Dai, RJ; Meng, WW; Deng, YL*. Hypoglycemic effect of Belamcanda chinensis leaf extract in normal and STZ-induced diabetic rats and its potential active faction. Phytomedicine, Feb, 2011, 18(4): 292-297. (IF: 3.268)

78. Chen, Y; Wu, CM; Dai, RJ; Li, LA; Yu, YH; Li, Y; Meng, WW; Zhang, L; Zhang, YQ; Deng, YL*. Combination of HPLC chromatogram and hypoglycemic effect identifies isoflavones as the principal active fraction of Belamcanda chinensis leaf extract in diabetes treatment. Journal of Chromatography B, Feb, 2011, 879(5-6): 371-378. (IF: 2.888)

