Turbocharging Seminar 2016 Was Held at BIT

On September 22-23, the Turbocharging Seminar 2016 sponsored by BIT, the Key Laboratory of Turbocharging Technology and Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines (Beijing), co-sponsored by XecaTurbo was successfully held in Beijing. The theme of the Seminar is “Exhaust Energy Utilization and Turbocharged Design” which aims to actively carry out extensive and in-depth academic exchanges at home and abroad, and vigorously promote the development of booster technology in China. The guest speakers included 21 experts and scholars from supercharged industries and universities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Japan carry out special report exchanges on “exhaust gas energy utilization”, “new turbocharger technology and new materials”, “compressor aerodynamic design and noise”, “turbo aerodynamic design”, “supercharger high cycle fatigue” and “supercharger optimization design method”.

Exciting content

At the seminar, Dr Nick Baines, an internationally renowned turbocharger expert and technical expert of ConceptNREC of the United States, gave a special report titledNumerical Optimization of Novel Non-Radial Turbocharger Turbines, which targets turbines with multiple design goals, elaborates on optimization objectives, optimization details, and performance results. He pointed out: Multidisciplinary optimization has more room for design than freehand design. When traditional design methods and experience cannot meet design goals, many options can be selected. Discipline optimization as a groundbreaking solution. This conclusion provides new design ideas for scientific research designers.

Dr. Chen Hua, Chief Expert of the National Thousand Talents Program Expert and Key Laboratory of Turbocharger Technology for Diesel Engine made a report titled “Supercharger compressor noise”. For the first time, Dr. Chen introduced the compressor noise into the supercharger research area. In the report, he fully analyzed the sound source that caused the noise of the compressor, and provided a variety of noise reduction solutions for the sound sources caused by different factors. The knowledge of turbocharger compressor noise from engineering designers caused them to pay attention to compressor noise.

Prof. Feng Kai of Hunan University, National Youth Millennium Project Expert,made a special report titled “Design and Experimental Research of Oil-free Turbocharger” in the seminar. The report has experimentally demonstrated the feasibility of an air-bearing-supported oil-free turbocharger solution, and has proposed a new research direction for domestic turbocharger technology researchers.

Besides,based on the influence of the inlet recirculation on the performance of the compressor, Tamaki Hidea, Japanese IHI senior compressor expert, proposed a method of designing the inlet fins to suppress the prerotation effect of the inlet recirculation and expanding the operating range of the compressor; Prof. Sakaguchi Oku of Nagasaki University, has exchanged the global optimization method for the inlet reflux parameters of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor for the backflow phenomenon in part of the centrifugal compressor of the turbocharger after the deviation of the design flow; Dr. David Cox, Technology Group, Jecketech, Switzerland, explains how to use turbocharger speed signals to optimize the performance of automotive engines and boosters; Shanghai, Shanghai Jiaotong University, has introduced the work route of the world-leading artificial detuning and exchanged the current research results.

Exciting discussion

The seminar has attracted more than 64 experts and scholars from famous enterprises and famous universities at home and abroad, including Honeywell, Gemimi Future Systems, University of Bath, CRRC Dalian Locomotive Research Institute Co., Ltd., Hunan Tyen Machinery Co., Ltd., Turbo Technologies, Wuxi Vane Wheel Engineering Co., Ltd., Ningbo Weifu Tianli Turbocharging Technology Co., Ltd., Vofon Turbo System (Ningbo) Co., Ltd., etc. At the seminar, the participants held in-depth discussions and technical exchanges on the topics of the reports and the reporters.In response to the air bearing proposed by Prof. Feng Kai of Hunan University, there were companies on the forum that indicated that they were willing to carry out in-depth cooperation on this issue to promote the development of air bearing in China.The new methods and new materials put forward by experts have also aroused great concern and hot discussion among the participating enterprise engineers and scientific researchers.The seminar ended in a warm and friendly atmosphere and collected 21 outstanding academic papers.

Technical exchanges between representatives and reporters
