BIT and German partner universities successfully hold Sino-German Seminar on Engineering Education

Contributed by: Sun Hua, School of Mechanical Engineering; Editor: E'Mei

Under the joint planning and organization of the School of Mechanical Engineering, the International Affairs, the Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, and the Office of International Students, the Sino-German Seminar on Engineering Education - 'New Stage, Creative Collaborations' was held successfully from March 28 to March 29, 2017, at the International Exchange Center of BIT. The German engineering education and internationalization management experts from RWTH Aachen University, Leibniz-Hannover University, University of Magdeburg and University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz and more than 20 teachers of BIT attended the seminar. Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department Tang Shuiyuan, Deputy Director Xing Qingqing, Director of Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Xu Jin, Director the Office of International Students, Wang Ying, Secretary of the Graduate School of Education, Pang Haishao, Deputy Director of the Academic Journal Office, Fan Chunping, and Deputy Director of Aerospace Engineering, Wu Zhiwen and Mr. Zuo Zhengxing, Party Secretary of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Deputy Directors Feng Huihua and He Hongwen attended the seminar. The seminar was chaired by Feng Huihua.

Deputy Director Xing Qingqing addressed the opening ceremony of the seminar on behalf of BIT. She first expressed sincere welcome and thanks to the German experts who came to attend this forum. After briefly reviewing the history of personnel training, academic exchanges, and scientific research cooperation between Beijing Institute of Technology and German partner universities, she mainly introduced the current international cooperation and other areas of cooperation as well as the concept of deepening international exchange in the future in the fields of undergraduate international exchange, etc.

The seminar included "Engineering Education in University", "Management of International Students", "Future Collaborations in Mechanical Engineering" and other three thematic sessions.A total of six conference reports were arranged, involving the Sino-German engineering education system and major models, setting of mechanical engineering curriculum system and training, students' practice innovation and enterprise internship implementation experience and modes, international student enrollment and management as well as other fields.

Zhang Jun, Professor of Mechanical Engineering of School of Mechanical Engineering, gave a report titled "Engineering Education and Student Exchange Programs with German Universities of BIT" detailing the major construction background (all English teaching), course system setting plan, engineering education method, English-language major construction, and implementation of exchange programs with German universities of mechanical engineering.

The report of Ms. Yin Wang, head of International Cooperation Department of Leibniz-Hannover University, titled "Learning Culture in Germany", focused on explaining the types of courses and teaching characteristics of engineering subjects, and the setting and use of teaching public platforms and resources in German universities. The differences in engineering education between China and Germany were compared.

In the following “Management of International Students” theme report, the reports from Prof. Peter Hartges, the China regional head of the International Division of the RWTH Aachen University, and Ms. Diana Nikolaus, the head of the University of Magdeburg, both from a technical and operational level, introduced and analyzed the study, living conditions and problems of international exchange students in Germany, including Chinese students, and provided targeted comments and suggestions.

In the "Future Collaborations in Mechanical Engineering" theme report session, Feng Huihua, deputy director of the School of Mechanical Engineering, gave a report titled "Facts of Education, Research and International Cooperation in School of Mechanical Engineering", focusing on the characteristics of major and curriculum system setting, students' practical ability in innovation training of School of Mechanical Engineering, etc., and reported the focus of the college's superior scientific research field and the future international cooperation. The participants had heated discussions on the specific contents of the report and issues related to Sino-German engineering education.

After the meeting, accompanied by related leaders and teachers of the School of Mechanical and Engineering, German experts visited the student innovation practice bases and undergraduate teaching conditions of the Zhongguancun campus and Liangxiang campus, and participated in the idea exchange activities with students who will further study in Germany as exchange students.The successful completion of the seminar and related activities deepened the mutual understanding and trust between BIT and the German partner universities, and provided an important platform to further expand the scope of student exchange and joint training, teacher exchanges and scientific research cooperation between Beijing Institute of Technology and German universities.

(Reviewed by: Zuo Zhengxing)
