Prof. Jiang Lan won the Science and Technology Innovation Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation

Contributed by: Fan Shicheng (Personnel Office); Editor: Yu Wenyu

On the afternoon of October 25, 2017, at the moment of celebrating the victory of the Nineteenth Congress of the Communist Party, the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Selection Committee held the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation 2017 Annual Awarding Ceremony at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Vice Premier Liu Yandong of the State Council sent a letter of warm congratulations to the convening of the awarding ceremony and expressed sincere congratulations to the winning scientists on behalf of the State Council. Vice Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee Zhang Baowen, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Minister of Science and Technology, Wan Gang, attended the conference and gave speeches. Afterwards, Zhu Lilan, Director of the Selection Committee, on behalf of the selection committee, gave the 2017 Selection Report of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Fund.

Professor Jiang Yan of BIT has long been engaged in scientific research work in the field of laser micro-nano manufacturing, and has achieved important research achievements in the application of key structure manufacturing for the country's major needs and national economic development. This time, he won the “Science and Technology Innovation Award” of the Heliang Holy Foundation. " The party and state leaders and donors met in person and gave awards to him personally as a winner.

In 2017, Selection Committee of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Fund finalized the evaluation of two scientific and technological achievement awards, 34 Scientific and Technological Progress Awards, and 16 Science and Technology Innovation Awards. Up to now, 8 professors from Beijing Institute of Technology have won the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award, 6 of them have won science and technology progress awards, and 2 have won science and technology innovation awards. They have made outstanding contributions to promoting the development of science and technology in related fields in China, innovation achievements have been highly recognized by all sectors of society.

(Reviewed by: Yan Yan)
