School of Mechanical Engineering, BIT, Held the 2017 International Student Symposium

In order to improve the management level of foreign students, improve the international student education system, and further promote the development of the “Double First-class” university, the School of Mechanical Engineeringheld the 2017 International Student Symposium on December 29. Zhao Kun and Xie Fei, Deputy Director of the Office of International Student, Zuo Zhengxing, Secretary of the Party committee of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Feng Huihua, He Hongwen and Xi Jun Qiang, Vice President of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Xue Qing and over 30 international students attended this symposium which was presided over by Fan Wenhui, Deputy Secretary of the Party committee and Vice President of the School of Mechanical Engineering.

At the symposium, Si Junqiang shared with the attendees the achievements made by the college over the past year in subject construction, scientific research, faculty and personnel training, etc.: BIT was selected the first batch of first-class universities in China; The international ranking of mechanical engineering has steadily increased to 101-150 (QS ranking); The Ministry of Education’s newly released subject assessment ranks top in the field of mechanical engineering; Prof. Sun Fengchun was elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2017;Academic research investment is up to 320 million yuan; the championship ofFormula Student China; Pilot run of “unmanned” bus in Shenzhen with technical support provided by our School, etc. He expressed appreciation for the important role that international students and classmates play in the development of the college and hoped that they would be more active, multidimensional and multi-level to participate in college construction, better integrate into college, and achieve better results.

During the exchange session, international students attending the meeting actively exchanged ideas.They thanked the School and our college for their help in their study and life. They expressed their doubts and puzzles in the aspects of degree application, paper writing, assessment methods, production practice, course selection, and the choice of tutors. They also put forward some constructive suggestions for the management of international students.Teachers are also devoted to the discussion, giving feedback to students’ questions and suggestions.

In the end, Zhao Kun welcomed the students studying at BIT on behalf of the Office of International Student and stressed that BIT has made many efforts to improve the learning and living environment of international students. He also hoped that our students should learn from the former ones to work hard, adapt to the environment, and make full use of the conditions provided by the school to enrich themselves and improve their qualities.

Zuo Zhengxing made a concluding speech on behalf of the School. He said: the School thanked the Office of International Student for its long-term support and thanked the international students for their support and contribution to the construction of the School. International students are an important part for BIT and the internationalization of the School and our college is inseparable from international students.He hoped that the students could be proud of the School today, and the School would also be proud of everyone to be an excellent BITer in the future.

The symposium has achieved good results. This year, the School of Mechanical Engineeringwill continue to work hard to promote the international and pluralistic education of foreign students, promote the cultural exchanges between Chinese and foreign students, improve the international influence and international recognition of the college, and promote the construction of “Double First-class” university.
