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  • BIT 2019 International Semester

    Dear all,

    Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) is one of the top science and technology universities in China which offers a high-level education for degree and language study. With many strong and prestigious science and technology programs to choose from, you will receive quality education. School of Mechanical Engineering (SME), as one of the schools who have the longest history and the largest scale, is playing a leading role in mechanical engineering in China.

    SME has developed two national key disciplines, i.e. Mechanical Engineering and Power Engineering and Engineering Thermo-physics, both of which are authorized to offer doctoral programs, academic master’s degree programs and professional master’s degree programs. According to the China Discipline Ranking, conducted by China Ministry of Education (MOE), Mechanical Engineering of SME achieves 2%-5% and Power Engineering and Engineering Thermo-physics of SME achieves top 10% in the nation. The school has not only signed cooperation agreements with over 20 institutes abroad and set 5 international collaborative research platforms in the areas of Vehicle, Powertrain, Manufacturing, Mechanical Design, Robotics, as well as Micro/Nano Engineering, but also sent about 590 undergraduates to study aboard as exchanging students and received about 173 international students to study at SME since 2011. Fortunately, the academic courses of international semester will be provided by SME. You will have the opportunity to join the big family of SME and grow with us.

    International Semester at BIT will provide you with a truly exceptional experience in China. The semester will offer you the advanced technology improvement in Mechanical Engineering and Vehicle Engineering which include three compulsory courses: Learning-based Autonomous Vehicles, Energy-saving and new energy vehicle technology and Advanced Vehicle Technology. Based on the course arrangement, students can also take elective courses. At the same time, students will have the opportunity to visit well-known companies in China and take internships there to work with Chinese counterparts.

    Your choice of BIT will be rewarded with a wonderful university experience. We look forward to welcoming you here in Beijing!

    For more course information or application process please see the attachment- BIT 2019 International Semester Brochure or course details.
