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  • DIREKT - Erasmus+ CBHE Project
  • Erasmus+ CBHE Project

     Developing Trans-regional information literacy for lifelong learning and the knowledge economy (DIREKT)

    Beijing Institute of Technology has won a three-year international projectDeveloping Trans-regional information literacy for lifelong learning and the knowledge economy (DIREKT), funded by EU Erasmus+ in 2016 and performed in collaboration with 14 foreign universities and organizations. The project is led by School of Mechanical Engineering and BIT Library.

      The project’s aim is to develop and improve educational programs in information literacy and academic writing of students, young scientists and teachers in English. Working closely with the partners universities and organization, BIT will participate in working groups and form local committee structures, to ensure the dissemination of project results and the implementation of project initiatives in Beijing Institute of Technology, in other Chinese universities and in society at large.

     1. Aims and Objectives

      Wider objectives:

      Furthering the Bologna Process for a Europe of Knowledge by developing Information Literacy (IL) programs for use in curricula in HE + Society at large.

      Creation with Librarians and Faculty, of curriculum-integrated IL programs (embedded in the three cycle system (bachelor/master/doctorate), quality assurance and recognition of qualifications for the development of lifelong learning in higher education and in Society at large.

      These innovative programmes and technologies will benefit all stakeholders such as undergrad and postgrad students, Librarians, academic staff, Ministries, National and Public libraries, Local communities, non-academic members + society organisations.

      Libraries and information literacy (IL) are a precondition for lifelong learning, knowledge economy, labour markets and a key to fulfilling the Lisbon strategy of making the EU the most competitive economy in the world.

     The specific objectives are:

    •   Development of IL programs for lifelong learning as part of the DIREKT Curriculum for Information Literacy
    •   Development of innovative IL online modules for lifelong learning.
    •   Harmonisation of the IL programs with those currently active in the RF, KZ, CN
    •   Strengthen the capacities of Higher Education Institutions for the strategic planning and implementation of IL programs to instill transferable skills for a competitive, dynamic, knowledge-based economy.
    •   To develop IL policy, guidelines, - goals, mission.
    •   To disseminate about the approaches to IL development and ensuring their exploitation and sustainability.
    •   Develop IL in society through strong, involvement of non-academic partners , Associate Partners and society organisations.

      While the DIREKT project and Curriculum is primarily concerened with developing IL and Library skills, the programmes will also feature 1 module "Information Literacy & Academic Writing (module 7) because as is agreed internationally by experts both disciplines are inseperable. As explained well by Kimmins and Stagg (2009) " effective writing and presentation skills are diminished if used to share flawed or incomplete information" hence before good academic writing is dependent on the learner achieving a good level of Information Literacy".

      DIREKT will address critical problems & gaps that exist in University services provision leading to modern, relavant & accessible library and information services for all learners. Problems such as the need to develop IL skills for successful integration into international academic community (MHRU 2014) and complete lack of quality Academic writing regulations and standards (KSU 2014), poor awareness of Infoormation Literacy and Plagiarism issues (BIT 2016). The DIREKT Curriculum will lead to a change in the situation set out in Part E because in breath, scale, quality & relevance it will be the first programme of its kind held in these countries to address the Information Literacy training needs of librarians and academic staff with transfer to students and all other stakeholders.

     2. Project Activities and Methodology

      Project activities/developments

      The DIREKT project will commence with the Project Kick Off- PMC meeting to be held in Petrozavodsk (Nov 2016) to be held in conjunction with ESP training. At the Kick Off meeting criteria and procedures for communications between partners, management and decision making structures and the functions of the Working Groups and Local Committees, local project coordinators will be agreed. All partners will sign the Consortium agreement which will rule relations, methods of cooperation, disagreements, planning meeting agenda and the identification and agreement of control procedures, problem solving procedures.

      Preparation in the project will involve the implementation of intensive, in depth Information Literacy Needs detection + Competency mapping; IL Strategic Review.

      Development phase of the DIREKT project commences with ESP Training(Information Literacy, Library and Academic Writing terminology) followed by preparation of ECTS Module Training Programme using EU Tuning Method. This is followed by DIREKT Curriculum Training in Limerick, Piloting of DIREKT Curriculum + Evaluations 1 + 2 of Pilot.

      Quality will be ensured through formation of the EWG comprised of 5 experts in quality contol and monitoring + Evaluation of DIREKT Curriculum + QA reports. Dissemination/sustainability activities include Public Presentation of the DIREKT project in PC's, National IL Awareness Seminars in RF, KZ, CN, DIREKT modules testing and integration, the DIREKT Online Platform, Final Project Conference & Awareness Seminar.

      The plan is to develop training programmes supported by ECTS modules (both hard copy in script form and online on project website platform) + embedded in curricula in PC universities + involvement of other stakeholders such as National/Public Libraries to ensure maximum transfer effect to society at large.

      Training content and Pedagogical Approach

      We will determine in each case the required methodological approaches needed with respect to how to teach, and meet the needs of main stakeholders. In this way, each partner will design bespoke training programmes to best meet their target market (i.e., academic + library staff, students, student teachers, policy makers, public librarians, etc) enabling flexible and responsive solutions that stem from an agreed set of principles and enabling all needs of PC universities to be addressed. The pedagogical approach will stress communicative and skills teaching approach. Following our needs analysis of the Information Literacy/Library/Academic Writing situation in PC countries-the following modules were identified which will form the DIREKT Curriculum:

     DIREKT Curriculum Modeles

    Module 1: English for Specific purposes (Libraries, library terminology and library access)

      English for Specific purposes ( Libraries, library terminology and library access): this is targeted at all partners and will be integrated into official university structures and where feasible public and National libraries.

    Module 2: IL Marketing skills for Academic staff librarians - Theory and practice

      IL Marketing skills for Academic staff librarians- Theory and practice - Creating IL Awareness Campaign Strategies to address all Stakeholders

    Module 3: Information Literacy 1

      Information Literacy 1- for Librarians to train them to help learners find and use information effectively and ethically- this module will cover:

    •   International Information Literacy Standards- SCONUL, ACRL, ALA, ANZIL,
    •   Focussing and Defining your Research Question
    •   Using Online Information Literacy Modules for teaching Information Literacy
    •   Mind the Information Gap! Knowing the critical information sources and resources
    •   Critically analysing information resources
    •   Referencing Citation and Avoiding Plagiarism
    •   Introduction to the Literature Review

    Module 4: Information Literacy 2

      Information Literacy 2: for Librarians to train them to help Learners access information online and in print, to liase effectively with Library users + enhance their pedagogical and teaching skills

    •   Using Electronic Library Databases for your research
    •   Evaluating sources of information
    •   Web & Internet search strategies for the Information Age
    •   Using Library Bibliographic software for your referencing and research
    •   Becoming a Subject Liaison Librarian: skills for collaborating with Academic staff
    •   Information Literacy for Business & Entrepreneurship
    •   Train the Trainer: Teaching and pedagogical skills for Librarians

    Module 5: Information Literacy 3

      Innovative online library services for 21st Century Librarians: aimed at lIbrarians to help them develop new innovative online library services for Information Literacy:

    •   Designing library web sites and online platforms and portals
    •   Online Public Access Catalogues (OPAC)
    •   Web 2.0 Technologies and Social Media for libraries
    •   Library Mobile "Apps" ("M-libraries")
    •   Virtual Reference and Ask a Librarian Services
    •   Electronic Documents Delivery and Inter Library Loans
    •   Federated search: new options for libraries in the Digital Age
    •   Using LibGuides for Library research and Information Literacy
    •   Introduction to Open Access and Open Source for Information Literacy
    •   Getting the most from Institutional Repositories

    Module 6: Information Literacy & Academic Writing 1


    •   Study skills for Academic Writing (Time management, Reading and Note Taking)
    •   Developing critical analysis: the cognitive domain
    •   Basic Principles of Written English (proofreading and self-editing; revision vs. editing; common errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling; understanding tone and diction; vocabulary development.)
    •   Structuring and Writing Theses, Dissertations, Essays, Reports and Abstracts
    •   Line by Line- Academic Writing and the process of composition
    •   Academic Writing for different disciplines (e.g.writing for science and engineering, humanities, the Social Sciences).

    Module 7: Information Literacy and Academic Writing 2

    •   Information Literacy and Educational Technologies, Digital Publications Tools and other Technical Aids for Academic Writing
    •   Informatiion Literacy and Research data management
    •   Academic Career Planning and Academic Writing: developing your career beyond Academia
    •   Information Literacy & Getting Published
    •   Dealing with your Research Supervisor
    •   Information Literacy, Research ethics and Academic Writing
    •   Project manamement skills incorporating Information Literacy Academic Writing and Research projects
    •   Conferencing, Networking skills for Information Literacy.
    •   Writing for funding: writing effective funding applications for your University

    Module 8: English for Professional Purposes?

      This module is aimed at enabling participants to attain competence in the job application process as well as in professional writing, equipping them with the skills necessary to achieve this.

      Part 1 - It provides an overview of the basic processes involved in the application process, from an analysis of job advertisements, the basics of constructing a CV and an effective application letter prior to the job interview. For the interview advice is given on how best to answer standard questions, with a good and bad example provided. Further similar common types of questions are provided for further practice. Finally, there is some extra reading on the subject of networking. The appendices provide lists of effective vocabulary deployable in applications.

      Part 2 - It provides assistance and practice in improving writing skills at a professional level on how to deal with correspondence tasks: writing letters, reports and emails form the focus, with guidelines, samples and practice tasks included. There is also a main language practice section, focusing on language skills relevant for correspondence purposes as well as on questions regarding levels of formality. Furthermore, there are additional relevant language practice tasks interspersed in the various sections.

      3. Expected Impact of the Project

      As Information Literacy is a vital transferable skills for lifelong learning that transcends all academic disciplines what is truly special and unique about this project is that the results will benefit a huge learner group- University staff, students, and librarians. The effects will be felt beyond - in RF, KZ, CN society through multiplication links established through help of the Associate Partners in the project. There will be different levels of impact. Results of the DIREKT project will aid reform & modernisation of IL & services which will involve target groups Librarians, Academic Staff, students, Administrative and other non-teaching staff as well as people with Special needs and disabilities. Stakeholders will benefit through having access to quality courses covering all aspects of IL which will transform Universities in PC's into key Centres for excellence in IL in the Regions they serve thereby enhancing teaching and learning.

      At local level All Library users will benefit from the DIREKT project- for example students and academic staff will benefit from the DIREKT Curriculum because as a result of the DIREKT project for example Library staff will be highly equipped to provide quality library IL training to all stakeholders on topics such as: Referencing citation and Avoiding Plagiarism, Using Online Information Literacy Modules for teaching Information Literacy, Introduction to the Literature Review, Using Electronic Databases, Web and Internet Search strategies; Mind the Information Gap! Knowing the critical information sources and resources, Bibliographic library software, conducting a literature Review.

      Also at Local Level the DIREKT project will result in increased marketing and promoting of IL and instruction services in libraries and increased involvement of these stakeholders collaborating to deliver quality, library services to learners.

      All learners will benefit from the DIREKT project- for example students and academic staff will benefit from the DIREKT Curriculum and up skilling of librarians and academic staff because as a result of DIREKT, Library staff will be highly equipped to provide quality library training to other library staff, academic staff, student teachers, students.

      At the Regional Level- owing to the fact that we have selected partners from different Regions in RF, KZ, CN, the effect of the DIREKT project will not just be confined to the local level and we have selected partners from multiple regions in these countries.

      At National level the DIREKT project will leave behind a comprehensive framework Information Literacy Training in PC countries and the DIREKT Curriculum- with the success of the programmes- can be replicated across multiple universities and institutions including National and public libraries and other universities in RF, KZ, CN and beyond throuigh the involvement of other universities and Associate Partners.

      At the European and indeed World level the Amount of international engagement (via presentation at conferences and submission to international journals) will increase leading to increased visibility of librarians and academic staff from RF, KZ, CN on the European + World stage.

      The Target groups will benefit at local and Regional level through having modern, quality information literacy learning materials and a DIREKT Curriculum that is accessible with well trained library and academic staff, modern Library Staff Development Programs as well as improved library resources, services and expertise.

      Overview of Long term and short term impact indicators

    Short term impact

    Target groups/potential beneficiaries

    Quantitative indicators

    Qualitative indicators

    Library, Academic staff and Students trained to best international Information Literacy quality standards

    Students, Library staff, Academic staff, Administrative, University management in PC universities; users and staff of Public Libraries, National library staff and users, Local Communities, Society e.g, Schools, NGO’s

    Number of Library staff attending ESP training

    -Increased Number of learners attending DIREKT Curriculum Train the Trainer programmes run by Library Staff e.g. on Avoiding Plagiarism arising from success if DIREKT project.

    Increased participation in IL programs

    Improved awareness of IL a leading to better grades

    Increased marketing and promotion of libraries e.g. National IL & AAwareness Days

    Students, Library staff, Academic staff, Administrative, University management in PC universities; users and staff of Public Libraries, National library staff and users, Local Communities, Schools, NGO’s

    Number of National Awareness Days held in PC countries

    Number of quality promotional materials published during the lifetime of the project

    Number of Media articles published about the project

    Improved awareness in Society of the contribution IL makes in lifelong learning and academic life.

    Increased involvement of stakeholders through initiatives such as the Subject Liaison Librarians

    Students, Library staff, Academic staff, Administrative, University management in PC universities; users and staff of Public Libraries, National library staff and users, Local Communities, Schools, NGO’s

    Subject Liaison Librarian established for every academic subject in each PC university

    Subject Liaison Librarian in each PC institution.

    Long term impact

    Target groups/potential beneficiaries

    Quantitative indicators

    Qualitative indicators

    Improved management and operation of PC higher institutions

    Students, Library staff, Academic staff, Administrative, University management in PC universities; users and staff of Public Libraries, National library staff and users, Local Communities, Society e.g. Schools, NGO’s

    Higher University Rankings;

    Increase in Student Admissions;

    Better grades and student performance

    Increased prestige


    •   Limerick Institute of Technology (LIT), Project Coordinator, Ireland
    •   Technische Universitat Dresden (TUD), Germany
    •   Constantine the Philosopher University (UKF), Slovakia
    •   Paul Francis East representing The Pyramid Group (TPG), Germany
    •   Ogarev Mordovia State University (MRSU), Russian Federation
    •   Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Russian Federation
    •   Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU), Russian Federation
    •   Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU), Russian Federation
    •   Non-for-profit Partnership National Electronic-Information Consortium (NEICON).], Russian Federation
    •   Al-Farabi Kazak National University (KazNU), Kazakhstan
    •   Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University (KATU), Kazakhstan
    •   Baitursinov Kostanay State University (A. Baitursinov KSU), Kazakhstan
    •   Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT), China
    •   Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), China
    •   Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST), China

      Project website:
