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  • DIREKT - Erasmus+ CBHE Project
  • National Information Literacy Awareness Day in Beijing 26th September – 28th September 2018


    Information Literacy is one the key competencies of innovative talents, and is essential for college students to cultivate lifelong learning ability, competitive ability and innovation ability, and plays an important role in becoming high-level innovative talents. At present, information literacy education has been widely carried out all over the world. The importance of information literacy education has been recognized by more and more people. While in China, Information Literacy has not been well recognized by college students and academic staff.

    Supported by EU Erasmus+ Project – DIREKT, The Library of Beijing Institute of Technology, and School of Mechanical Engineering are also actively exploring the practice of information literacy education, aiming at developing information Literacy curriculum integrated with Engineering education.

    In order to enhance the awareness of Information Literacy among students and faculty staff, help them understand the learning methods and sources of information, the University Library and School of Mechanical Engineering of Beijing Institute of Technology held the first National Information Literacy Awareness Day in the library on both Zhongguancun and Liangxiang Campus from September 26thto 28th2018. The National Information Literacy Awareness Day was supported by the EU Erasmus+ project Developing Trans-regional information Literacy for lifelong learning and the knowledge economy–DIREKT.

    Objectives of National Information Literacy Awareness Day

    The objective of the National Informational Literacy Awareness Day:

    • “National Information Literacy Awareness Day” held in CH, RF, KZ involving the participation of all primary, secondary, and university educational institutes on an agreed day and running for 10 years.
    • This involves active student participation of Universities, National and Public Libraries, Student Unions, Teacher unions with the support of the Education Ministries, NGO’s.

    The target groups of the National Awareness Day are:

    • High school and university students, international students, student union
    • Teachers of universities in Beijing
    • Academic, and administrative staffs of university
    • National and university Libraries
    • Librarians of national and university libraries
    • Representatives of Ministry of Education of China
    • Publishing Houses and information Technology companies
    • Chinese Education Development Association
    • Project Officer of Erasmus+ Programme

    Activities in National Information Literacy Awareness Day in Beijing

    A series of activities were organized in the first National Information Literacy Awareness Day in Beijing

    • Presentation of National Information Literacy Awareness Day and DIREKT Project
    • Workshop on Open Access for Scientific Research and Paper Publication
    • Round table seminar on Education of Information Literacy in Higher Education and Society
    • Public Exhibition of Information Literacy

    Presentation of National Information Literacy Awareness Day and DIREKT Project

    A public presentation of National Information Literacy Awareness Day and the DIREKT project was made to students, librarians, and faculty staff during the workshop, round-table seminar, and public exhibitions of Information Literacy during the National Information Literacy Awareness Day in Beijing Institute of Technology.

    Workshop on Open Access for Scientific Research and Paper Publication by Spring/Nature

    In 26thSeptember, Springer Nature (Springer/Nature) The manager of Open Access Group Greater China from Springer/Nature was invited to introduce the status and trends of open access and how to use open access to conduct scientific research and publish high-level SCI papers.

    The workshop was held in the hall of library of Beijing Institute of Technology in Zhongguancun Campus. More than 100 undergraduate students, master and PhD students, research and academic staff participated the workshop.

    Round table seminar on Education of Information Literacy in Higher Education and Society

    In 27thSeptember, a round table seminar was held on education of Information Literacy in Higher Education and Society. Managers and practitioners from national public library, university library are invited to discuss the current status of information literacy education in libraries, the design and implementation of information literacy curriculum system, and how to carry out international cooperation in information literacy education.

    The topics of the seminar included the curriculum development of library information Literacy Education, Implementation experience of integrated information literacy education, development of information literacy ability in the teaching of specialized courses, and current situation and prospect of international cooperation in information literacy education.

    Lei Wang, Director of Reference and Consultant of National Library of China, made a presentation on the education of information literacy from the perspective of referencing in library. Jifang Song, Director of Renmin University Library introduced the practice of information literacy education in Renming University. Jia Lin from the library of Tshinghua University, discussed the education of information literacy in the era of “Internet +”.

    During the workshop, librarians and faculty staff from Beihang University, Chinese Agriculture University also participated the discussion on information literacy education in higher institutions and in society in large.

    Public Exhibition of Information Literacy

    Public exhibition of information literacy was organized in libraries on Zhongguancun and Liangxiang Campus from 26thSeptember to 28thSeptember.
