Manufacturing Engineering

  • Advanced Machining Technology Laboratory (AMT Lab)
  • Micro Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
  • Laser Micro/Nano Fabrication Laboratory
  • Digital Manufacturing Laboratory
  • Institute of Detection and Control
  • The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE)
  • The Institute of Mechatronics
  • Zhang Xu


    Zhang Xu


    Associate Professor


    School of Mechanical Engineering


    Manufacturing Engineering


    Room 411, Qiushi Building, Beijing Institute of Technology




    8610-6891 8689


    Research and Teaching Interest

    The main research area is computer technologies in design and manufacturing. The first research field is engineering design and design automation, in which, feature based design, automatic design of assembly, CAD data validation, and assembly modeling and tolerance analysis are some of the directions under research. The second area is the integration of design and manufacturing. Projects are carried out in Design for Manufacturing, Design for Assembly, and 3D integration in design and process. The current research focuses on the integration of design and manufacturing with consideration of variation analysis and risk control. In the field of product lifecycle management, the Model-based System Engineering (MBSE), and the information modeling in PLM are the two directions under research and development.

    Most of research projects were founded by national foundations, and the industry partners in Aerospace industry.

    Selected Publications and patents

    Haoqi Wang, Xu Zhang, Chao Liang, Information Modeling for Sustainable manufacturing Assessment. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2014 August 17-20, 2014, Buffalo, New York, USA

    Tiedong Si, Xu Zhang, Ding D. Research on Process Planning of Machining Process based on 3D Model, Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology2014.03

    Yadong Sun, Xu Zhang, Ruxin Ning. Integrated modeling method oriented to multi-disciplinary colaborative development domain. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems. 2013.3

    Yadong Sun, Xu Zhang, Ruxin Ning. Development Process Model of Dynamic Response based on Dependency Relationship between Index Parameters. 2013.7

    Yadong Sun, Xu Zhang, Ruxin Ning. Research on Development Process of Complex Product Based on Multi-level Design Structure Matrix. 2011.08

    Achievements and Awards

    Professional Membership/Academic Appointments
