Manufacturing Engineering

  • Advanced Machining Technology Laboratory (AMT Lab)
  • Micro Manufacturing Technology Laboratory
  • Laser Micro/Nano Fabrication Laboratory
  • Digital Manufacturing Laboratory
  • Institute of Detection and Control
  • The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE)
  • The Institute of Mechatronics
  • Luo Longxi


    拼音:Luo Longxi


    Assistant Professor



    School of Mechanical Engineering


    Mechanical Engineering

    研究方向(Research Interests)

    1.Human-like driving of autonomous vehicle

    2.Intelligent monitoring with computer vision

    3.Human-machine systems




    教育背景:(Educational Background)

    2013-2018,Columbia University, PhD.

    2009-2013,University of Science and Technology Beijing, Bachelor.

    工作经历: (Working Experience)

    2020-Present,Beijing Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor.

    2018-2020,Tsinghua University, Postdoc.

    学术兼职:(Part-time Academic Jobs)

    Secretary general of the International Conference of Human Performance Modelling and Augmentation 2022.

    Reviewer of numerous SCI indexed journals.


    representative publications:

    (1)Longxi. Luo;JianpingWu;WeijieFei;LuzhengBi*;Xin’anFan,Detecting Driver Cognition Alertness State From Visual Activities in Normal and Emergency Scenarios,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2022:3166251.doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3166251.(Impact factor:9.55)

    (2)Longxi Luo; Maria Q. Feng*; Edge‐Enhanced Matching for gradient‐based computer vision displacement measurement, Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2018, 33(12): 1019-1040.(Impact factor: 10.7)

    (3)Longxi Luo*; Maria Q. Feng; Zheng Y. Wu; Robust vision sensor for multi-point displacement monitoring of bridges in the field, Engineering Structures, 2018, 163: 255-266.(Impact factor: 5.58)

    (4)Longxi Luo*; Maria Q. Feng; Jianping Wu, LuzhengBi, A vision-based surface displacement/strain measurement technique based on robust edge-enhanced transform and algorithms for high spatial resolution, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2021, e2797.(Impact factor: 6.06)

    (5)Longxi Luo; Maria Q. Feng; JianpingWu, Luzheng Bi*, Modeling and detection of heat haze in computer vision based displacement measurement, Measurement, 2021,182: 109772.(Impact factor: 5.13)
