Vehicle Engineering

  • The special vehicle research institute
  • Electric Vehicle Engineering and Technology Center (EVETC)
  • Automobile Research Institute
  • Vibration and Noise Control Laboratory
  • Jing Chongbo


    Jing Chongbo


    Associate Professor


    School of Mechanical Engineering


    Vehicle Engineering


    Room 412, Teaching Building No.9, Beijing Institute of Technology






    Research and Teaching Interest

    My research interests lie in the area of fluid power, vehicle dynamics and tribology. Recent and current application areas include:

    Ball Piston Pump: Tribo-Dynamic Modeling and Characteristics for its Key Components;

    Leakage Characteristics of Key Friction Pair.

    Study on the Lubrication characteristics of the slipper bearing in hydraulic axial pistonpump

    Study on Control System of Hydromechanical Continuously Variable Transmission Used on Vehicles

    Selected Publications and patents

    1. JING Chongbo, LIU Wencui, WU Wei, YUAN Shihua, Energy Conversion Efficiency of Hydraulic FreePiston Engine, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2015. November.
    2. Yuan Shihua, Zhou Junjie, Luo Xianwei, Jing Chongbo. Dynamic gas evolution and its effects on the operation of axial piston pump. Acta Armamentarii, 2014. August.
    3. Wu wei, Jing Chongbo, Hu Jibin, Yuan Shihua, Characteristics of Dualcylinder hydraulic transformer with rotatable wash plate. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013. vol. 49.
    4. Li xueyuan, Zhang Yu, Hu Jibin, Jing Chongbo, Lateral Dynamic Simulation of Skid Steered Wheeled Vehicle, 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Australia.
    5. Liu Hong, Yuan Shihua, Jing Chongbo, Zhao Yimin, Effects of wear Profile and elastic deformation on the slipper dynamic characteristics. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013. vol. 49.
    6. Yuan Shihua, Peng Zengxiong, Jing Chongbo, Experimental Research and Mathematical Model of Drag Torque in Singleplate Wet Clutch. Chinese Journal Of Mechanical Engineering, 2011, vol. 24.

    Achievements and Awards

    R&D Award of National Defense Technology, First Class, 2011 (part of a team).

    R&D Award of National Defense Technology, Second Class, 2010 (part of a team)

    Professional Membership/Academic Appointments

    Peer Reviewer of Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (a Chinese journal)

    Peer Reviewer of Acta Armamentarii (a Chinese journal)

    Peer Reviewer of mechanical science and technology for aerospace engineering (a

    Chinese journal)

    Fellow of SUV Technology Committee of SAEChina
