ࡱ> CEB9 R"bjbj22l$#+88888*******$, 5.N,*,* 88* t88* *  o6>')8, >U ()$*0#+:(.= R.)  Color Photo necessary  SNt]'Yf[YM|Ye^BlL3uh Application for the Position of Foreign Teacher of BIT 1. Y T -Ne T Family Name Given Name Chinese Name 2. '`+R 3. Queg g e t^ 4. Qu0W Sex Date of Birth (M) (D) (Y) Place of Birth 5. VM| 6. bgqS 7. k 8. LN Nationality Passport Number Native Language Occupation 9. ZZYrQ 10. [YeON 11. gؚf[S Marital Status Religion Highest Academic Degree Obtained 12.^XLMO 13. ^g(WSt]NYee Interest Position: Expected Duration at BIT (from) (to) 14.cSv]\Oϑ 15.ggg]D Workload be accepted Expected Salary 16. &T(WZf NbhT+g N (Zf N) (hT+g) Accept to have classes in the evening or in the weekend (in the evening) (in the weekend) 17. /f&T&^[^\ N,gNsQ| Any accompanying family members If yes, what relationship 18. ,gNVQ[^\8lENO0W@WOne of your family members permanent mailing address in your country: N,gNsQ| 5u݋ 5uP[N0W@W The relationship with you Telephone No. E-mail address 19. ,gN0W@W 5u݋ Your mailing Address Tel. No. 20. RQf` gTs(W` gvuu (ǏS) (s(W) List any past or present diseases (past) (present) 21. /f&T`Ǐ_u 22. /f&T`Ǐؚ@S Have ever got heart disease? Have ever had hypertension? 23. /f&Tck(WcSlu 24. /f&T[g go Receiving any treatment? Any medicine taken regularly? 25. /f&T goirǏOe Any antibiotics or other medications allergy If yes, please list 26. /f&T`Ǐ NRuuHave you ever had any of the following diseases or disorders? 1) kir>vToxicomania: No , Yes ; 2) |^yqNMental confusion: No , Yes ; 3) |^yu Psychosis: No , Yes . 27. /f&T gVE;SuOi Any international Health and Accidence insurance covered 28. cP:ggbcPN Recommending agency or persons (Name, Address, Tel) 3uNO I hereby affirm that: (1) NTy@bcOv`Qw[e All the information in this form is true and correct; (W-NVNLgu[-NV?e^vl_Tf[!hvĉz6R^I will abide by the laws of the Chinese government and the regulations of Beijing Institute of Technology. 3uN~{W[ eg Applicant s Signature Date 68@`fhN8Pt\h : ` z @ X r  D X ` x  * .:&x>*CJ >*CJo(CJo( 5CJ\o( 5CJ\ 5CJ\ 5CJ\o(CJCJo(56CJOJQJ\]o(L68`md_]$a$$xXD2a$c$$IflS' 61%<064 la$$1%<'&#$+DS/Ifa$$1%<'&#$+DS/If$a$ "T "  z | (*,xzVX.hWD`hh^hWDd`x"$TVX,.*Fx J$LTdvz.H6`dnrtvzd!f!~!!!" >*CJo(>*CJCJCJo(P.0fHJB.0,.. | hWD`hh`h. R!"" & F vhWD`h0&P 18. A!n"n#7$%S  iF@F cke $1$a$$CJKHPJ_HaJmH nHsH tHH@H h 1($$1%<'&#$+DS/@&a$5\A@ ؞k=W[SO$U@$ ~c >*B*ph20kcd e=>v<=f3]  O N      u v de000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000x"..""8 @ 0(  B S  ?giw{(+EGbd AHpuAM;=_e02a h  # H N R Z  v { ejdu' j]  G  33333333333s34=N  v yyD:\T{|h?@ADRoot Entry FpEUF1Table.WordDocument22SummaryInformation(2DocumentSummaryInformation8:CompObjfObjectPoolpEUpEU  FMicrosoft Word ĵ MSWordDocWord.Document.89q