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2013 Joint APS-SCCM/AIRAPT Conference

Close the windowauthor :Yanlong Liu Release time :2012-08-28

The Twenty-Fourth Biennial International Conference of the International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT) with be held in conjunction with the Eighteenth Biennial International Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (APS-SCCM) in Seattle, Washington, from July 7th through July 12th, 2013. The chairs for this conference will be Choong-Shik Yoo, Rip Collins, and David Moore.
Important Dates
Conference Dates: July 7-12, 2013
First Conference Call: October 15, 2012
Submission of Abstracts OPEN: October 14, 2012
Submission of Abstracts CLOSES: February 22, 2013
Email Notification of Poster/Oral Presentation: April 12, 2013
Posting of Bulletin of the American Physical Society (BAPS) on APS Website: TBD
On-line Submittal of Manuscripts Begins: TBD
Close of Early Registration: TBD
Last Chance to Book Hotel at CONFERENCE RATE: June 14, 2013