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Professor Mo Li of Georgia Institute of Technology visited the SKLEST

Close the windowauthor :GUO BaoQiao Release time :2013-05-28

On 15thMay 2013,under invitation of professor Pengwan Chen, Professor Mo Li from Georgia Institute of Technology, visited the SKLEST and gave a lecture entitled “Equation of State of Metallic Glasses”.

Professor Mo Li's short bio

Professor Mo Li received his Ph.D. in applied physics in 1994 from California Institute of Technology. After a brief staying as a postdoctoral fellow at Caltech and the Argonne National Laboratory, he joined Morgan Stanley & Co. in New York. He came back to academia in 1998. From 1998 to 2001 he was an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University. Currently he is a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Thousand-Talent Program professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at Tsinghua University. Professor Li's research focuses on understanding fundamental properties and processes of materials, and predicting material behaviors. The approaches used in his research are a blend of those from statistical physics, solid state physics, materials science, metallurgy, mechanics and large scale, high performance computing. His research focuses on algorithm development, simulation, and theoretical analysis.
