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Professor Rolf Prummer gave a serie of lectures in BIT

Close the windowauthor :GUO BaoQiao Release time :2013-11-26
Invited by the National Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Professor Rolf Prummer from the University of Karlsruhe of Germany gave a series of lectures in BIT. The topic of his lectures is “Shock Wave Physics and its application”. The first lecture was given in the 13thJune, and 13 lectures were given during two weeks. Professor Rolf Prummer is world-wide well-known expert in the explosion process with the experience of over 40 years. His talks mainly consisted of the welding, forming, cutting, hardening and compaction of powders by explosion. An experiment about the Mach Effect by the shock wave was also demonstrated.

Rolf Prümmer's short Bio:

Rolf Prümmer was born in 1937 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. He received a degree in Physics from the University of Stuttgart and began his dissertation at the Max Planck Institute of Stuttgart in 1964 which was completed in 1967 at the University of Karlsruhe, where he also completed his “Habilitationsschrift”, entitled “Explosive Compaction of Powdered Substances” in 1985, published in a book of the same title in 1987 by Springer Verlag. Professor Prümmer has been associated with several Fraunhofer Institutes. He has lectured at Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan, in Novosibirsk, Russia, Inner Mongolia; and is now a professor at the University of Karlsruhe. He has published more than 150 papers and has developed more than 20 patents. The patent-related work has involved explosive welding, forming, cutting, hardening as well as extensive research dealing with explosive compaction of powders. Professor Prümmer has traveled and lectured extensively, and has interacted with colleagues world-wide.