
Your present position: Faculty

Dr Ge Kang

Close the windowauthor :Baoqiao Guo Release time :2020-07-09

Ge Kang

Office:227, building 9#


Research fields:Numerical manifold method; damage and fracture of materials


2020/04-NOW, Post-doc, Beijing Institute of Technology

2015/09-2020/03, Ph.D., Beijing Institute of Technology

2013/09-2015/07, M.S., Beijing Institute of Technology

2009/09-2013/07, B.E., Shen Yang Li Gong University

Selected Publications:

[1] Ge Kang, Pengwan Chen, Youjun Ning. Simulations of meso-scale deformation and damage of polymer bonded explosives by the numerical manifold method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2018, 96:123-137.

[2] Ge Kang, Youjun Ning, Pengwan Chen, Kesong Ni. Meso-structure construction and effective modulus simulation of PBXs. Journal of Energetic Materials. 2019, 38: 261-282.

[3] Ge Kang, Pengwan Chen, Youjun Ning. Meso-scale failure simulation of polymer bonded explosive with initial defects by the numerical manifold method. Computational Materials Science. 173 (2020) 109425.

[4] Youjun Ning, Ge Kang, Pengwan Chen, Xiaoping Zhang. Numerical modeling of projectile explosive charge damage during penetration. 5th International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS2015), Singapore, May 19-21, 2015.
