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课题组博士生高鑫在国际期刊Nanoscale发表back cover论文

关闭窗口作者:Baoqiao Guo 发布时间:2017-11-08

ay electrical explosion of graphite sticks(电爆炸石墨棒制备石墨烯)”的内封底论文(Nanoscale 2017, 9, 10639-10646, inside back cover)。这项工作通过控制电爆炸过程的能量注入,利用电爆炸方法爆炸石墨棒,剥离石墨分子层,制备石墨烯,并进行了相关机理啊一作者高鑫是机电学院力学系博士研究生,指导老师是机电学院陈鹏万教授。


Graphene nanosheets were produced by electrical explosion of high-purity graphite sticks in distilled water at room temperature. The as-prepared samples were characterized by various techniques to find different forms of carbon phases, including graphite nanosheets, few-layer graphene, and especially, mono-layer graphene with good crystallinity. Delicate control of energy injection is critical for graphene nanosheet formation, whereas mono-layer graphene was produced under the charging voltage of 22.5–23.5 kV. On the basis of electrical wire explosion and our experimental results, the underlying mechanism that governs the graphene generation was carefully illustrated. This work provides a simple but innovative route for producing graphene nanosheets.

