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Doctoral Thesis Pre-Pleading Rules

I. Provisions for the pre-pleadingsystem of doctoral thesis

1.Doctoral thesispre-pleadingisthequality review of the thesis before the doctoral student completes the dissertation writing and is about to enter the review.The purpose is to investigate the main problemsof the doctoral thesisthrough the review of the dissertation and the research by experts.

2. After the prepleadingis passed, the doctoral student can conduct academic misconductcheckon the dissertation, and the dissertation can enter the anonymous review stage after thecheck.

II.Conditions for granting pre-pleading

The doctoral student's application for pre-pleadingshould have the following conditions:

1.Completion of thetraining sessionreview,and move fromthe graduatetrainingmanagement systemtothe degree managementsystem

2. Completion of the preparation of the dissertation,andthe instructor reviews and agrees to the pre-pleading

III. Pre-pleadingprocess

(1) After completingthe writing of the dissertation,the doctoral student submitsa pre-pleadingapplication for the doctoral thesisto the instructorat least 2 months before the blind review.

After reviewing and agreeing by the instructor, fill out the review comments and the list of pre-pleadingcommittee in the “Beijing University of Technologydoctoralthesispre-pleading review form” and submit it to theaffiliated school.

(2) TheSchoolshall review the conditions for the pre-pleading application, andunifiedlyorganize the pre-pleadingin accordance with the first-level discipline.

(3) At least 10 days before the pre-pleading, the doctoral student shall deliver the dissertation to the pre-pleadingexperts, and the pre-pleadinginformation shall be disclosedwithintheSchool3 days before the pre-pleading.

(4) The pre-pleadingprocedure is as follows:

1. The pre-pleadingsecretary introducesthe experts of the pre-pleadingcommittee.

2. The pre-pleading personreportson the meaning of the topic, academic background, research methods, innovation points, arguments andevidences.

3. The Pre-pleadingCommittee shall conduct a rigorous and serious review of the doctoralthesis, focus on the academic level and innovation, the workload, academic norms,andetc., and propose specific amendments to the deficiencies and problems in the thesis.

4. The Pre-pleadingCommittee will adoptasecret ballot to make the following resolutions:

(1) Pass the pre-pleading.

(2) Afterarevision,takeapre-pleading again.

(3) Failure to pass, delay thepleading.

5. The pre-pleadingsecretary counts the votes and announces the resolution of the pre-pleadingcommittee.

6. After the pre-pleadingiscompleted, the experts of the Pre-pleadingCommittee fill in the relevant contents of the “Beijing Institute of Technologydoctoral thesis pre-pleading reviewform” and the leaders of theaffiliated schoolsign the opinions.Before the student'sdiploma granting, theschoolretainsthe "BeijingInstituteof Technology doctoralthesispre-pleadingreview form" for reference.

IV.The results of the pre-pleadingandtheirtreatment

1. After the pre-pleadingdissertation is revised according to the opinions of the pre-pleadingexpert group, theschoolanddisciplineresponsibility professor group will review and fill out the “Doctoralthesis revision review form (pre-pleading)”, and if agreed, the doctoral thesis can enterthe academic misconductcheck andanonymous review.

2. Afterarevision,take apre-pleading again.If the paper can berevisedaccording to the opinions of the experts within 15 days and approved by the instructor,a re-prepleading can be arranged.

3. The pre-pleadingdoes not pass orare-prepleadingis still unqualified.Anapplication for extension should be submitted to the Graduate School Training Office in a timely manner.Uponapproval,anapplication forpre-pleadingcan be filed again after half a year.
