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The Accounting Program(Sino-Foreign Cooperation) successfully holds academic guidance for 2021 freshmen

On the morning of September 6,2021, the Accounting program of the School of Management and Economics held academic guidance for 2021 freshmen in Zhongguancun Campus. Professor Zhang Xiang, Teaching Dean of the School of Management and Economics, Xiao Shufang, Professor of Accounting (Sino-foreign cooperation), Bai Xue, Zhang Yuanyuan and Wang Shiyu, attended the activity.The event is hosted by Bai Xue.

First, Dean Zhang Xiang welcomed the 2021 freshmen, then introduced the development of the School, resources and strength, at the same time he appointed that as a cooperative program, students enrolled in the Accounting Program (Chinese-foreign cooperation) are dual students of Beijing Institute of Technology and Reding university, enjoy the quality resources of the two schools. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for the students.Finally, Dean Zhang Xiang encouraged the students to constantly improve themselves while pursuing academic progress, so as to "be down-to-earth and look up at the stars, refuse to be impetuous and stay happy and enriched".


Affected by the epidemic, teachers from Reading University cannot come to Beijing Institute of Technology to welcome their new students. However, Professor Peter Miskell, Dean of undergraduate teaching at the Henry Business School of Reading University, Professor Keiichi Nakata, director of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, and Professor Maggie Cooper, director of undergraduate teaching in Accounting, also brought their greetings through video recording. They hope that the students can enjoy the study time and gain something, and welcome them to Reading University for exchange and study, looking forward to meeting the students in the future.

Subsequently, professor Xiao Shufang introduced the accounting program (Chinese-foreign cooperation) from the program introduction, faculty, student training, education results, learning advice, to allow the students have a more comprehensive, more thorough, more rational understanding for the next four years’ academic study.
