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6-28 Professor Reimund, Chief Climate Economist, National Research Center, Helmholtz Federation, Leipzig, Germany: International Environmental Agreements as Games

Title:International Environmental Agreements as Games

Speaker:Professor Reimund Schwarze

Time:June 28th (Thursday) 2:00 pm

Location:6th floor of the main building

Personal Profile:

  Prof. Dr. Reimund Schwarze is head of climate economics of the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ,Leipzig,Germany and the coordinating lead author of the Chapter “Economics,Finance,and the Role of the Private Sector” in the upcoming 2nd Assessment Report Climate Change in Cities (ARC3.2) of the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN)


  The report will firstly give a simple example for the prisoners’ dilemma .Then we will discuss the main topic as Do climate negotiations fail because of the prisoners’ dilemma?
