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沈智扬,男,汉族,安徽安庆人,2007年12月加入中国共产党,2009年7月参加工作。法国国家科学研究中心、里尔第一大学经济学博士,法国国家科学研究中心、科学经济与管理学院(CNRS-LEM/IÉSEG UMR 9221)经济学博士后。曾就职于中国进出口银行总行战略规划部,2020年3月加入bob手机在线登陆管理与经济学院开始教学研究。

围绕效率与生产率估计、银行与金融、数字经济等领域,在高水平期刊发表论文50余篇,其中16篇发表于AJG/ABS 3星及以上期刊,包括European Journal of Operational Research》、《DecisionSciences》、《OMEGA》、《International Journal of Production Economics》、《EnergyEconomics》、《Annals of Operations Research》、《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》、《Technological Forecasting & Social Change等国际权威经济管理类期刊,AJG/ABS 2星及以上期刊占总发文量三分之二以上。

联系方式: 010-68914372

电子邮箱: zhiyang86@163.com; z.shen@bit.edu.cn

研究成果: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhiyang_Shen

通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号bob手机在线登陆主楼333室


1. 2020年至今 bob手机在线登陆:《中级宏观经济学(英文)》、《科技金融管理》、《应用经济学研究方法》、《高级宏观经济学》、《投资学》等;

2. 2013-2017年 法国科学经济与管理学院: 《经济学基础(英文)》;


1. Wang, Z., Song, Y., and Shen, Z. (2022). Global sustainability of carbon shadow pricing: the distance between observed and optimal abatement costs,Energy Economics, Forthcoming. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

2. Liu, S., Chen, X., Shen, Z., and Baležentis, T. (2022). Industrial energy consumption and pollutant emissions: Combined decomposition of relative performance and absolute changes,Business Strategy and the Environment, Forthcoming. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

3. Shen, Z., Zhou, Y., Bai, K., and Zhai, K. (2022). Potential green gains from the integration of economies: evidence from Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan in China,Journal of Global Information Management, Forthcoming. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

4. Han, J. Li, G., Shen, Z., Song, M., and Zhao, X. (2022) Manufacturing transfer and environmental efficiency: Evidence from the spatial agglomeration of manufacturing in China,Journal of Environmental Management, 314, 115039. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

5. Song, M., Tan, K.-H., Wang, J., and Shen, Z. (2022). Modeling and evaluating economic and ecological operation efficiency of smart city pilots,Cities, 124, 103575. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

6. Chen, J., Xu, C., Huang, S., Shen, Z., Song, M., and Wang, S. (2022). Adjusted carbon intensity in China: Trend, driver, and network,Energy, 251, 123916. (SCI)

7. Chen, B., Xu, C., Wu, Y., Li, Z., Song, M., and Shen, Z. (2022). Spatiotemporal carbon emissions across the spectrum of Chinese cities: Insights from socioeconomic characteristics and ecological capacity,Journal of Environmental Management, 306, 114510. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

8. Cui, L., Dong, R., Mu, Y., Shen, Z., Xu, J. (2022). How policy preferences affect the carbon shadow price in the OECD,Applied Energy, 311, 118686. (SCI)

9. Chen, J., Huang, S., Shen, Z., Song, M., Zhu, Z. (2022). Impact of sulfur dioxide emissions trading pilot scheme on pollution emissions intensity: A study based on the synthetic control method,Energy Policy, 161, 112730. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

10. Chen, J., Xu, C., Song, M., Deng, X., Shen, Z. (2022). Towards sustainable development: Distribution effect of carbon-food nexus in Chinese cities,Applied Energy, 309, 118470. (SCI)

11. Zhu, Q., Chen, X., Song, M., Li, X., Shen, Z. (2022). Impacts of renewable electricity standard and Renewable Energy Certificates on renewable energy investments and carbon emissions,Journal of Environmental Management, 306, 114495. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

12. He, R., Baležentis, T., Štreimikienė, D., Shen, Z. (2022). Sustainable Green Growth in Developing Economies: An Empirical Analysis on the Belt and Road Countries,Journal of Global Information Management, 30(6), 1-15. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

13. Hao, Y., Li, Y., Shen, Z. (2022) Does carbon emissions trading contribute to reducing infectious diseases? Evidence from China,Growth and Change, Forthcoming. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

14. Shen, Z., Wu, H., Bai, K., Hao Y. (2022). Integrating economic, environmental and societal performance within the productivity measurement,Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 176, 121463. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

15. Shen, Z., Shao, A., Chen, J., Cai, J. (2022). The club convergence of green productivity across African countries,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 4722-4735. (SCI)

16. Deng, H., Li, H., Pan, A., Shen, Z. (2022). Decomposition of green agricultural productivity gain under a multiple-frontier framework: An empirical analysis in Sichuan,Journal of Global Information Management, 30(6), 1-23. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

17. Hao, Y., Song, J., Shen, Z. (2022). Does industrial agglomeration affect the regional environment? Evidence from Chinese cities,Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 7811-7826. (SCI)

18. Shen, Z., Vardanyan, M., Baležentis, T., Wang, J. (2021). Analyzing the Tradeoff between the Economic and Environmental Performance: the Case of Chinese Manufacturing Sector,IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Forthcoming. (AJG/ABS 3星)

19. Baležentis, T., Butkus, M., Štreimikienė, D., Shen, Z. (2021). Exploring the limits for increasing energy efficiency in the residential sector of the European Union: Insights from the rebound effect,Energy Policy, 149, 112063. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

20. Kerstens, K., Shen, Z. (2021). Using COVID-19 Mortality to Select Among Hospital Plant Capacity Models: An Exploratory Empirical Application to Hubei Province,Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 166, 120535. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

21. Baležentis, T., Blancard S., Shen, Z., Štreimikienė, D. (2021). Analysis of environmental total factor productivity evolution in European agricultural sector,Decision Sciences, 52(2), 483–511. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

22. Yuan, Q., Baležentis, T., Štreimikienė, D., Shen, Z. (2021). Economic and Environmental Performance of the Belt and Road Countries under Convex and Nonconvex Production Technologies,Journal of Asian Economics, 75, 101321. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 1星)

23. Baležentis, T., Štreimikienė, D., Mikalauskas, I., Shen, Z. (2021). Towards Carbon Free Economy and Electricity: The Puzzle of Energy Costs, Sustainability and Security based on Willingness to Pay,Energy, 214, 119081. (SCI)

24. Shen, Z., Bai, K., Hong, T., Baležentis, T. (2021). Evaluation of carbon shadow price within a non-parametric meta-frontier framework: The case of OECD, ASEAN and BRICS,Applied Energy, 299, 117275. (SCI)

25. Shi, Y., Bao, X., Ma, C. Shen, Z. (2021). Study on the open dynamic cyclic process of emotional labour,Transformations in Business & Economics, 20(1), 239-255. (SSCI)

26. Pan, X., Cheng, W., Gao, Y., Baležentis, T., Shen, Z. (2021). Is Environmental Regulation Effective in Promoting the Quantity and Quality of Green Innovation?Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 6232-6241. (SCI)

27. Song, M., Xie, Q., Shen, Z. (2021). Impact of green credit on high-efficiency utilization of energy in China considering environmental constraints,Energy Policy, 153, 112267. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

28. Zhu, N., Dai, X., Baležentis, T., Štreimikienė, D., Shen, Z. (2021). Estimating production gains from international cooperation: Evidence from countries along the Belt and Road,Economic Change and Restructuring, Forthcoming. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 1星)

29. Niu, Z., Zhang, Y., Li, T., Baležentis, T., Štreimikienė, D., Shen, Z. (2021). Total Factor Productivity Growth in China’s Corn Farming: An Application of Generalized Productivity Indicator,Journal of Business Economics and Management, 22(5), 1189-1208. (SSCI)

30. Zheng, H., Song, M., Shen, Z. (2021). The evolution of renewable energy and its impact on carbon reduction in China,Energy, 237, 121639. (SCI)

31. Shen, Z., Li, R., Baležentis, T. (2021). The patterns and determinants of the carbon shadow price in China’s industrial sector: A by-production framework with directional distance function,Journal of Cleaner Production, 323, 129175. (SCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

32. Boussemart, J.P., Leleu, H., Ferrier, G., and Shen, Z. (2020). An Expanded Decomposition of the Luenberger Productivity Indicator with an Application to the Chinese Healthcare Sector,OMEGA, 91, 102010. (SCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

33. Boussemart, J.P., Leleu, H., Shen, Z., and Valdmanis, V. (2020). Performance analysis for three pillars of sustainability,Journal of Productivity Analysis, 53, 305–320. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

34. Shen, Z., Valdmanis, V. (2020). Identifying the contribution to hospital performance among Chinese regions by an aggregate directional distance function,Health Care Management Science, 23, 142–152. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

35. Song, M., Wang, J., Zhao, J., Baležentis, T., Shen, Z. (2020). Production and safety efficiency evaluation in Chinese coal mines: accident deaths as undesirable output,Annals of Operations Research, 291, 827–845. (SCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

36. Boussemart, J.P., Leleu, H., Shen, Z., Vardanyan, M., Zhu, N. (2019). Decomposing banking performance into economic and credit risk efficiencies,European Journal of Operational Research, 277, 719–726. (SCI, AJG/ABS 4星)

37. Shen, Z., Baležentis, T., Ferrier, G. (2019). Agricultural productivity evolution in China: A generalized decomposition of the Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen productivity indicator,China Economic Review, 57, 101315. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

38. Kerstens, K., Shen, Z., Van de Woestyne, I. (2018). Comparing Luenberger and Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen productivity indicators: How well is total factor productivity approximated?International Journal of Production Economics, 195, 311–318. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

39. Shen, Z., Baležentis, T., Chen, X., Valdmanis, V. (2018). Green growth and structural change in Chinese agricultural sector during 1997–2014,China Economic Review, 51, 83–96. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

40. Shen Z., Boussemart J.-P., Leleu H. (2017). Aggregate green productivity growth in OECD's countries,International Journal of Production Economics, 189, 30–39. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星)

41. Boussemart J.-P., Leleu H., Shen Z. (2017). Worldwide carbon shadow prices during 1990-2011,Energy Policy, 109, 288–296. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

42. Boussemart J.-P., Leleu H., Shen Z. (2015). Environmental Growth Convergence among Chinese Regions,China Economic Review, 34, 1–18. (SSCI, AJG/ABS 2星)

43. “一带一路”沿线国家碳排放影子价格与减排潜力,《国外社会科学》,2022年第1期。(第一作者,CSSCI)

44. 国际合作与经济增长潜力——来自“一带一路”沿线国家的证据,《广东财经大学学报》,2020年第3期。(第一作者,CSSCI)

45. 中国畜牧业绿色全要素生产率演变及区域差异研究,中国生态农业学报(中文核心)。

46. 经济新常态背景下中国商业银行内生性效率变化及分解,金融研究,2018年07期。(CSSCI)


2020-2022, Guest Editor,Technological Forecasting & Social Change(SSCI, AJG/ABS 3星,客座编辑)


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“经济-环境-社会”三重维度对全要素生产率交互影响的作用机理分析,2022-2024,主持。

2. bob手机在线登陆青年教师学术启动计划:全要素生产率指标构建与分解研究,2020-2023,主持。

3. 法国科学经济与管理学院博士后项目:环境效率与生产率估计,2016-2017,主持。


1. 2016年、2017年法国科学经济与管理学院杰出教学与研究奖

2. 2013-2016年国家留学基金委公派研究生奖学金


1. 2020级硕士研究生:

邵安琪(产业经济学),获国家奖学金,发表学院英文B类期刊1篇,中文核心 1篇

白凯璇(金融学),获国家奖学金,发表学院英文A类1篇,B类2篇,中文CSSCI 1篇

2. 2021级硕士研究生:

