Current location: Home - Associate Professor

LIU Zhenyi

  • Name
    LIU Zhenyi
  • Title
    Associate Professor
  • Address
    Room 304, State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
  • Tel
  • Email

Research Interests

Academic Achievements

1. Liu Zhenyi, Huang Ping. Scaled field test for C02 leakage and dispersion from pipelines. Journal of Chemical Industry. 2012,63(5):1651-1659
2. Liu Zhenyi, Huang Ping. Explosion limits and critical oxygen content of crude oilvapor at different ambient temperatures. Journal of Chemical Industry. 2011, 62(7):1998-2004
3.Xing Ji, Liu Zhenyi*, Huang Ping, Feng Changgen, Zhou Yi, Sun Ruiyan, Wang Shigang. CFD validation of scaling rules for reduced-scale field releases of carbon dioxide. Applied Energy, 2014, Vol 115: 525-530
4.Xing Ji, Liu Zhenyi*, Huang Ping, Feng Changgen, Zhou Yi, Zhang Deping. Experimental and numerical study of the dispersion of carbon dioxide plume. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, Vol 256-257: 40-48
5.Zhou Yi, Liu Zhenyi*, Liu Yu. Flammability and explosion property of gases in the one-step process of propane oxidation to acrylic-acid. China Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology. 2013, 15(1):40-47
