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MAO Ruizhi

  • Name
    MAO Ruizhi
  • Title
  • Address
    School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
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Research Interests

Telecommunication and Non-destructive detection

Academic Achievements

1. Ruizhi Mao, Jie Li; Electromagnetic Field Propagation Characteristics of a Contactless Setting of Fuze, Journal of Microwave Power Electromagnetic Energy[J], 49(2015),pp76-84
2. Ruizhi Mao, Xiaojun Shen; Quantitative Method of Coding Quality Evaluation in Fuze Induction Setting Process, Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology[J],2016, 36(6),581-587.
3. Ruizhi Mao, Jie Li; Characteristics of GPS signal propagation in cylindrical metal pipes with one end closed, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC), p 97-101, 2012
4. Jie Li, Ruizhi Mao; Opto-mechatronics System Manual: the Technology and Application[M], Science Press,2010.
5. Jie Li, Bing Li, Ruizhi Mao; Unmanned Systems Design and Integration[M], National Defence Industry Press, 2014.
