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BAI Chunhua

  • Name
    BAI Chunhua
  • Title
  • Address
    State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, School of Mechatronical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
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Research Interests

Research interest
Fuel and Air Explosion;
Explosion Safety。

Academic Achievements

Influences of the Cloud Shape of Fuel-Air Mixtures on the Overpressure Field[J]. Shock and Vibration,2016,(2016-4-27), 2016, 2016(1):1-7.
Study of the explosion parameters of vapor–liquid diethyl ether/air mixtures[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2015, 38:139-147.
Improvement of a Gas Intake Device and a Gas Mixing Study in a Large‐Scale Vessel[J]. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2015, 37(10):1751-1756.
Methods to predict the critical energy of direct detonation initiation in gaseous hydrocarbon fuels – An overview[J]. Fuel, 2014, 117(3):294-308.
Deflagration to detonation transition and detonation structure in diethyl ether mist/aluminum dust/air mixtures[J]. Fuel, 2013, 107(9):400-408.
The explosion overpressure field and flame propagation of methane/air and methane/coal dust/air mixtures[J]. Safety Science, 2011, 49(10):1349-1354.
Coal dust/air explosions in a large-scale tube[J]. Fuel, 2010, 89(2):329-335.
Deflagration-to-detonation transition in nitromethane mist/aluminum dust/air mixtures[J]. Combustion & Flame, 2010, 157(1):106-117.
