物理学院“博约学术论坛”系列报告第 103 期
题目:From nodal-line semimetals to nodal-link semimetals
报告人:汪忠 研究员(清华大学高等研究院)
时 间:2017年4月11日(周二)上午10:00
地 点:bob手机在线登陆中心教学楼610
Topological semimetals have attracted widespread attentions in condensed matter physics. They are characterized by topologically protected band degeneracy in the Brillouin zone. Among them are Weyl semimetals and nodal-line semimetals. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to these novel materials, and then talk about our recent proposal of “nodal-link semimetals”, which host topologically linked nodal rings in the Brillouin zone. [Reference: Yan et al, Nodal-link semimetals, arXiv:1704.00655]