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来源:   发布日期:2018-08-28


                            Metantennas vs InnovationHypeHope

  主 讲 人:陈志宁

         新加坡国立大学教授,射频识别技术理事会(IEEE CRFID)副主席及杰出演讲人,天线与传播学会(IEEEAP-S)杰出演讲人

  时   间:2018年8月31日 14:00

  地   点:中关村校区 信息科学实验楼202报告厅





  陈志宁,博士,新加坡国立大学教授、教育部长江学者讲座教授、IEEE Fellow。毕业于通信工程学院并获电子工程工学学士、微波与电磁场工程工学硕士学位及通信与电子系统工学博士学位。后于日本筑波大学获其第二个工学博士学位。1988至1995年,陈教授曾在通信工程学院从事教学与科研。1993至1995年,加入东南大学作为博士后,后任副教授(资格)。1995至1997年,赴香港城市大学,曾任研究助理及研究员。1997年至1999年获日本学术振兴会资助赴日本筑波大学从事研究。之后,又于2001和2004年两次获日本学术振兴会资助赴日本筑波大学从事短期访问研究(高级)。2004年作为访问学者加入美国国际商用机器公司华森研究中心进行天线研究。2013年作为DIGITEO高级客座科学家访问法国Supelec大学以及自强教授访问上海大学。2014年作为海外杰出讲座教授访问复旦大学。2014年入选中国教育部长江学者讲座教授(东南大学)。2015年作为资深教授访问日本东北大学。1999年至2012年,加入新加坡科技与研究局通信资讯研究院,曾任首席科学家和射频与光研究部主任及科技顾问,领导一支七十余名研究员和工程师从事工程研究、开发及技术转让。他于2012年加入新加坡国立大学电子与计算机工程系任终身正教授和Industry Program Director。同时,陈教授现/曾兼任日本东北大学、日本千叶大学、香港城市大学、清华大学、东南大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、同济大学、中国科技大学、浙江大学、北京邮电大学、华南理工大学及大连海事大学客座或兼职或访问教授进行教学、联合培养博士生及合作研究。现/曾兼任毫米波国家重点实验室(东南大学及香港城市大学)学术委员会委员、新加坡科技与研究局公共科研基金、陈嘉庚青少年发明奖以及新加坡法国合作研究基金评审委员会委员。迄今,陈教授已经组织和领导十一项重大项目及五十多研究及技术转让项目。陈教授十分活跃于国际学术界。他已经作为大会主席、技术程序委员会主席、评奖委员会主席或国际指导委员会主席组织与参与许多国际学术活动。他是国际天线技术专题大会(iWAT)、国际微波论坛(IMWF)、国际资讯通信及机电一体化技术在生物医学及健保中应用专题大会(IS 3T-in-3A)、及亚太天线与传播大会(APCAP)的发起人及首届大会主席。他将是首次在美加之外举行的国际电子电气工程师学会天线与传播学会专题大会(IEEE APS 2021)的总主席。由于在天线小型及宽带设计的杰出贡献,陈教授于2007年晋升为国际电子电气工程师学会会士(IEEE Fellow)。曾任国际电子电气工程师学会天线与传播学会新技术委员会委员、会士评审委员会委员、杰出演讲人(Distinguished Lecturer)和IEEE RFID联盟的副总裁及杰出演讲人。在担任国际电子电气工程师学会新加坡天线与传播分部主席期间,该分部获天线与传播学会及国际电子电气工程师学会及新加坡支会两个“2008年最佳分部奖”。陈教授应邀在国际上发表了百余场技术演讲。他曾任八家国际期刊的主编、副主编及特邀主编,现任四家国际期刊的主编、副主编或编委(JEMWA,IJUWBCS,JKIEES,JRFID)。教授已发表了600余篇英文论文(其中近150余篇发表在IEEE Transactions40余篇中文论文。他撰写和主编出版了4本英文专著(Broadband Planar AntennasDesign and Applications, UWB Wireless Communication, Antennas for Portable Devices, Antennas for Base Station in Wireless Communications)。已在5本英文专著上发表了6个专题章节。他主编了大型天线手册Handbook of AntennaTechnologies(共76个章节)。他还于1992年翻译出版了《小型天线》(Small Antennas)。陈教授是38项专利的发明人,并成功地实现35项次技术转让。曾6次获国际最佳论文奖及6项科技进步奖和2013 ASEAN杰出科技奖。陈教授目前的研究兴趣包括微波、毫米波、亚毫米波及太赫兹通信、雷达及成像系统中的新型天线与新型电磁学,特别是泛/超材料天线以及特征模分析与AI。 

   Professor Zhi Ning Chen received his BEng, MEng, and PhD degrees all in Electrical Engineering from the Institute of Communications Engineering (ICE), China and his second PhD degree from University of Tsukuba, Japan, respectively. During 1988-1995, he worked at ICE as a Lecturer and later an Associate Professor, as well as Associate Professor at Southeast University, China as a Postdoctoral Fellow and later as an Associate Professor. Professor Chen joined the City University of Hong Kong as a Research Assistant and later a Research Fellow in 1995-1997. In 1997, he conducted his research at the University of Tsukuba, Japan supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship. In 2001 and 2004, he visited the University of Tsukuba under a JSPS Fellowship Program (senior level). In 2004, he worked at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA as an Academic Visitor. During 1999-2016, he worked with the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) (formerly known as Centre for Wireless Communications and Institute for Communications Research) as Member of Technical Staff (MTS), Senior MTS, Principal MTS, Senior Scientist, Lead Scientist, Principal Scientist, Head for RF & Optical Department and Advisor. In 2012, he joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore as a Professor /Program Director (Industry) and is concurrently holding Visiting/Adjunct/Guest Professor positions at Southeast University, Nanjing University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tsinghua University, Tongji University, University of Science and Technology, China, Dalian Maritime University, Chiba University, and City University of Hong Kong. He visited the “Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes”, UMR8506 CNRS-SUPELEC-Univ. Paris Sud, in Gif-sur-Yvette as a senior DIGITEO Guest Scientist in 2013 and Tohoku University as a Visiting Professor in 2015. Professor Chen has been the founding General Chairs of International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), International Symposium on InfoComm & Media Technology in Bio-Medical & Healthcare Applications (IS 3T-in-3A), International Microwave Forum (IMWF) as well as Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation (APCAP).  Professor Chen is currently interested in engineering electromagnetics and antennas for microwaves, mmW, submmW, and THz systems. He has published 610 technical papers and authored/edited the books entitled Broadband Planar Antennas, UWB Wireless Communication, Antennas for Portable Devices, and Antennas for Base Stations in Wireless Communications. He also contributed to the books entitled UWB Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar, and Imaging, Antenna Engineering Handbook as well as Microstrip and Printed Antennas. He published Handbook of Antenna Technologies (Springer Reference with 76 Chapters) as an Editor in Chief. He is holding 32 granted/filed patents with 31 licensed deals. He is the recipient of ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2013, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Best Paper Award 2010, the CST University Publication Award 2008, IEEE AP-S Honorable Mention Student Paper Contest 2008, IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Awards 2006, 2013 and 2014, I2R Quarterly Best Paper Award 2004, and IEEE iWAT 2005 Best Poster Award. Professor Chen elevated a Fellow of the IEEE for the contribution to small and broadband antennas for wireless applications in 2007. He has served IEEE Council on RFID as Vice President and Distiguished Lecturer since 2016. He served IEEE Trans Antennas and Propagation as an Associate Editor and a Distinguished Lecturer.


       创新是技术竞争力的源泉,创新是一种创造卓越的文化。泛/超材料metamaterials作为一个全新的物理概念已经在概念上突破了传统电磁研究的藩篱,为古老的电磁研究特别是天线技术的发展开辟了一个全新天地,为科学,工程及技术提供了新的思路和方向以致新的解决方案。从介绍泛/超材料天线metamaterial+antennas研发的历程及未来的展望,这个讲座将与大家分享我个人对泛/超材料天线(metantennas)技术创新的理解,思考及体会。以超越电磁材料在天线中的应用课题为例,与大家分享一下我们如何实现metantennas R&D&C的创新。

   Innovation is the basis of technology competence and culture for being great.Metamaterial as a new concept has broken the boundary of traditional electromagnetic research, in particular open the new ear for the develoment of antenna technology.More importantly, the proof of the concept of metamaterials has provided the now way to explore unknown electromagnetic phanomea and develop novel engineering technologies for innovative solutions and products in market.This talk starts with the review of R&D&C of metamaterials in particular metamaterial-based antennas (metantennas) and shares my tyhinking of how to innovate the classic R&D&C of antenna technology to meetthe increasing demonds for high-performance antennas in applications. 
