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来源:   发布日期:2019-04-10
  报  告 人:钟台生
  时    间:2019年4月15日下午14:30-17:00
  地    点:研究生楼5楼创新基地
   钟台生教授是新加坡国立大学化学与生物分子工程系的教务长讲座教授,他的研究重点是聚合物膜。 2005-2008年,他担任Hyflux的高级顾问,领导并建立了膜研究团队。他于2012年成为新加坡工程学院院士,并于2015年获得IChemE(英国化学工程师协会)Underwood奖章,以表彰其在分离方面的杰出研究和新加坡总统技术奖。他是化学工程与材料科学的高被引学者。 2016年获得Elsevier和上海全球排名,并获得国际海水淡化协会(IDA)颁发的水再利用和保护优秀奖。他还是2018年Clarivate Analytics的高度引用研究人员名单中高被引学者。 H指数= 96(Scopus)或110(谷歌学者);引用次数> 35,557(Scopus)和> 45,243(Google Scholar)(2019年3月12日)。
  Prof. Chung is a Provost’s Chair Professor at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, National University of Singapore. His research focuses on polymeric membranes. In 2005-2008, he worked as a Senior Consultant for Hyflux, led and built its membrane research team. He became a Fellow in the Academy of Engineering Singapore in 2012 and received IChemE (Institute of Chemical Engineers, UK) Underwood Medal for exceptional research in separations and Singapore President’s Technology Award in 2015. He was a highly cited researcher in Chemical Engineering & Materials Science and Engineering by the Elsevier and Shanghai Global Ranking in 2016 and received Distinction Award in Water Reuse and Conservation from International Desalination Association (IDA) in 2016. He is also a highly cited researcher in the Highly Cited Researchers list from Clarivate Analytics in 2018. His H-index = 96 (Scopus) or 110 (Google Scholar); Number of citations > 35,557 (Scopus) and > 45,243 (Google Scholar) (March 12 2019).
"The rapid growth of population and industries has driven the global water demand harshly. Seawater desalination and water reuse are essential solutions to meet the high water demand and sustain our prosperity. However, the current dominant membranes for water reuse and seawater desalination have drawbacks such as fouling, high energy consumption and weak resistance to chlorine. Breakthroughs on membrane materials and system design are urgently needed to increase their performance. This presentation not only aims to briefly introduce the recent progresses on membrane science and materials but also highlight the emerging R&D directions for next generation membranes in the fields of water reuse and seawater desalination. We will start from thin-film composite (TFC) and thin-film nanocomposite (TFN) membranes because they are not only the dominant membranes for reverse osmosis (RO) seawater desalination in the last half century but also for forward osmosis (FO) and nano-filtration (NF) in the last two decades. Since the fabrication process for TFC membranes is well established, any breakthrough on TFN membrane materials can be scaled up easily for commercialization. Then we will discuss other emerging membrane technologies such as membrane distillation (MD) for water reuse and seawater desalination to achieve the goal of zero liquid discharge desalination (ZLDD).  "
