来源: 发布日期:2019-07-25
讲座题目: 纳米级智能光学材料的合成与组装
报 告 人:殷亚东
时 间:2019年8月17日上午9:30-11:30
地 点:中关村校区7号楼报告厅
报名方式:登录bob手机在线登陆微信企业号---第二课堂---课程报名中选择“【百家大讲堂】第 229期:纳米级智能光学材料的合成与组装 ”

殷亚东教授是美国加州大学河滨分校(University of California,Riverside)终身教授,于1996年和1998年分别获得中国科学技术大学化学本科和硕士学位。2002年获得华盛顿大学西雅图分校博士学位,师从夏幼南教授。2003年在加州大学伯克利分校担任博士后研究员,合作导师为A. Paul Alivisatos教授。2006年入职美国加州大学河滨分校,并于2014年成为正教授。他曾获得Cottrell Scholar Award(2009),DuPont Young Professor Grant(2010),3M Nontenured Faculty Grant(2010),NSF CAREER award(2010)和NML Researcher Award(2016年)等诸多奖项。他目前是Journal of Materials Chemistry C的副主编,也是NPG Asia Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, SCIENCE CHINA Materials, ChemNanoMat, Research和 Chem. Rev.等顶级期刊的编委会成员。
Prof. Yadong Yin received his B.S. (1996) and M.S. (1998) in Chemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China, and Ph.D. (2002) from the University of Washington, Seattle (with Prof. Younan Xia). In 2003 he became a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley under the supervision of Prof. A. Paul Alivisatos, and then a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2005. He joined the faculty at the Department of Chemistry, University of California, Riverside in 2006, and became a Full Professor in 2014. His recent recognitions include Cottrell Scholar Award (2009), DuPont Young Professor Grant (2010), 3M Nontenured Faculty Grant (2010), NSF CAREER award (2010), and NML Researcher Award (2016). He is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C, and also serves on the editorial board for NPG Asia Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, SCIENCE CHINA Materials, ChemNanoMat, Research, and Chem. Rev.
智能材料对所施加的外部刺激表现出化学和物理反应,具有广阔的应用前景。 本演讲将重点介绍具有响应光学特性的纳米结构材料的合成和制造,该材料可用于印刷,传感,标识,安全文件,显示器和能量转换等领域。 我们将讨论最近在开发具有多种功能的混合纳米结构的化学合成方面取得的进展,以及将其组装成二级纳米结构的新方法,其可通过控制纳米级构建块的空间排列和取向来主动调整其光学性质。 通过操纵光和纳米结构之间的相互作用,例如衍射,折射,双折射和电子共振,已经开发出许多具有可见光和红外输出的新型光学材料。
Smart materials hold great promises for many intrigue applications as they exhibit chemical and physical responses to the applied external stimuli. This presentation will focus on the synthesis and fabrication of nanostructured materials with responsive optical properties that can find applications in printing, sensing, signage, security documents, displays, and energy conversion. We will discuss our recent advances on the development of rational chemical synthesis of hybrid nanostructures with multiple functionalities and the novel approaches to assembling them into secondary nanostructures whose optical properties can be actively tuned by controlling the spatial arrangement and orientation of the nanoscale building blocks. Many novel optical materials with visible and infrared outputs have been developed by manipulating the interaction between light and the nanostructures, such as diffraction, refraction, birefringence, and electronic resonances.