今日新发布通知公告1条 | 上传规范


来源:   发布日期:2013-09-13

题 目:Orbital Selective metal-to-insulator Transition
报告人:张宇钟 教授 (同济大学物理科学与工程学院)
时  间:2013年9月18日(星期三)上午10:00
地  点:中心教学楼610
邀 请 人:杨帆 教授

        In this talk, I will briefly review theoretical investigations on the origin of the orbital selective phase where localized and itinerant electrons coexist in the d shell at intermediate strength of the on-site Coulomb interactions between electrons. In particular, the effect of spatial fluctuations on the phase diagram of the two-orbital Hubbard model with unequal bandwidths is discussed. And different band dispersions in different orbitals as well as different magnetically ordered states in different orbitals which are responsible for orbital selective phase transitions are emphasized. This is due to the fact that these two mechanisms are independent of the Hund’s rule coupling, and are completely distinct from other well-known mechanisms like orbitals of unequal bandwidths and orbitals with different degeneracies. Moreover, crystal field splitting is not required in these two recently proposed mechanisms.
Curriculum Vitae:
        张宇钟,1997年上海交通大学应用物理系本科毕业;2002年复旦大学物理系博士毕业。博士毕业后(2002年8月—2010年9月)先后在德国马普所复杂体系研究所、日本东京大学固体物理研究所、日本东京大学应用物理系以及法兰克福大学理论物理研究所工作;2010年10月加入同济大学物理科学与工程学院,任校特聘教授。先后获得浦江人才、上海市特聘教授(东方学者)、教育部新世纪优秀人才称号。研究方向:1) 关联材料的第一性原理计算;2) 强关联体系的模型研究;3) 发展第一性原理及数值多体理论方法等。

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网    址:http://physics.bit.edu.cn/

