Introduction to Future Technology: Academician Long Teng Lectured on "Theory and Key Technologies of New Radar System"

On December 6, Professor Long Teng, president of the Beijing Institute of Technology and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a lecture on "Introduction to Future Technology" entitled "New System Radar System Theory and Key Technologies". Listened to the course report.

Academician Long Teng started with the concept of radar. The detailed information and popular explanations are eye-opening and let the students realize that from military to civilian use, radar appears in all aspects of national defence, construction, and people's livelihood. As long as human beings have all-weather, all-weather needs for weather detection, there will be a radar figure. Academician Long Teng emphasized that solid basic knowledge of mathematics plays an important role in the study of relevant professional fields when introducing radar technology-related undergraduate majors, and encouraged everyone to make breakthroughs and innovations in future scientific research.

Finally, Academician Long introduced the general situation of our school's radar technology research, listed in detail the outstanding achievements and outstanding contributions of BIT's radar personnel, and also encouraged everyone to "make up your mind early and set up a big ambition". Students can seize the historical opportunity, study hard, become the leading talents in the industry as soon as possible, and make their own contributions to social development and national prosperity.
